On this page:
- Actionable help for administrative users
- SIRAS SEDS Coordinator Calendar
- SIRAS Concepts
Actionable help for administrative users
- SIRAS SEDS Coordinator News
- SPED Due Dates (DRDP ratings, Errors Cleared, Certification timelines, etc.)
- What needs to get done on a regular basis in SIRAS?
- CALPADS Error Summary
- How do I find things in SIRAS?
- How do I go about updating a student record?
- How do I help teachers with the meeting stuff? [Managing IEP/504/SST form events]
- How do I set up or fix user accounts?
- I know what happened. What does it look like in CALPADS?
- Frequently Asked Questions
- SEDS CALPADS Resources
- SIS Data Staff Guide [SIS/CALPADS coordinators]
- SEDS Training [New or want a review?]
- Transportation module
- Search Help
SIRAS SEDS Coordinator Calendar
This page is a timeline of scheduled events that occur annually for the SIRAS program:
- Between academic years, all import processes will pause operations. Exceptions can be made for specific districts on request.
- For 2025: SIS integrations with Siras will be stopped on June 14th.
- For 2025: SIS integration with SIRAS will start again on August 1st.
July 1st- September 1st, 2024 only: CALPADS Reporting for events occurring within this period are omitted from reporting, to allow for a transition to new CALPADS codes- Between mid-July and mid-August, the Rollover process will be triggered for each SELPA as agreed between SIRAS and SELPA administrators. See Rollover documentation for details on what exactly happens with the grade advance and application of next year's data.
- Instructions for before the rollover.
- Instructions for after the rollover.
- New for 2024: September 1st, ESY Enrolled will be reset for all records
- Production Database copied to Training Database refresh: ~ January 1 and August 17 annually.
- DRDP Archival: ~1 month after the end of each DRDP period
- Academic Year: The current Academic Year is renewed on July 1st each year. However, there are several compliance-related search queries and statistical reports which will assume you are interested in the previous Academic Year up until August 1st.
SIRAS Concepts
Here are some SIRAS terms to better understand data in SIRAS.
The status of each student tells the story of the student as of now.
Active implies the student is actively on IEP/IFSP/ISP participating in services.
Inactive implies the student is not actively participating in services.
So each LEA using SIRAS has the responsibility to have someone monitor the status of all Special Ed. students in the district.
If a student is eligible and participating, we need CALPADS to have SWDS 1.
If a student leaves your district or lives in district going to a private school we must ensure the SWDS is updated away from 1 to be 2 or 3.
If a student exits special ed. we need to ensure this gets reported as 4 to CALPADS.
The main repeating tasks that require a half to full time person to maintain are:
- Onboarding students when they arrive
- Closing out records when they leave or stop participating
- Responding to IEP team data requests
- Responding to IEP team meeting requests
- Monitoring the reception of DRDP rating results
This has many meanings, see this page for further info.
Current Record: On the MIS Summary page is current data. It's the surface information, as of today. This is the information that populates the forms in the IEP/504/SST manager.
Archived Records: These are snapshot copies of the current record above. The archived record menu we see on the MIS Summary page allow access to see those archived transactions. When SIRAS sends data, the SWDS, MEET, PLAN and SERV record data being sent to CALPADS comes from the archived records.
The archived records are what SIRAS uses to populate CALPADS with SWDS, MEET, PLAN and SERV records.
Error resolution:
Solving errors in SIRAS required the SEDS coordinator to know the actual story of what happened in the field.
Typically resolving errors involves correcting story with data in SIRAS and CALPADS.
Current Data analysis examples:
Use the predefined queries, this finds all records out of compliance now
How to find all annuals or triennials overdue by Fall 1 or 6/30/2025 Results of these queries can be reviewed in Statistical Reports by LEA
How to find meetings that were held late Results of these queries can be reviewed in Statistical Reports by LEA
SIRAS CALPADS Reporting Summary
How to review SIRAS data in Table reporting format
How to find students who will be 5 by 10/2/2024:
These students will be needing updated program settings
These students will need % in gen. ed. populated
We will use the tables to analyze counts of how many upcoming out of compliance instances we will have.
Archived Data analysis examples:
Past reported data [report event date <= 6/30/2024 & Report Status = Complete]
Upcoming data to be sent [Report Status = Pending]
Look for pending events with report event date before or equal to 6/30/2024
There is priority to resolve these pending transactions from prior academic year.