- Have a meeting to discuss a Census day plan of attack! NOW!
- In SIRAS: Clear errors, send new data. Repeat. Ongoing task
- HS SPED Post Secondary Surveys Sent 3/1/2025
- EOY 4 Start reviewing CERT CDD errors in CALPADS: May as soon as snapshots are available.
- DRDP Ratings transcribed into Siras 5/30/2025
- DRDP Errors resolved in SIRAS 6/6/2025
[We need DRDP staff to help fix errors before they leave!!]
- DRDP Exceptions list to SELPA 6/6/2025
- All posted IVR errors in SIRAS Cleared 6/6/2025
- HS SPED Post Secondary Surveys Results in SIRAS 6/27/2025
- HS WBLR Results in SIRAS transcribed to SIS systems 6/27/2025
- LAST Day for SELPA to certify error free DRDP 7/1/2025
- All Pending Records sent from SIRAS
that have Report Event Date <= 6/30/2025 7/5/2025
- Resolve all CDDS and Certification errors 7/4/2025– 7/11/2025
Resolve anomalies and review all reports
- LEA check in with SELPA 7/4/2025 – 7/11/2025
- 16.x* Review/Feedback Window
- Make appointments ahead of time.
- Goal deadline for LEA Approval** 7/7/2025 - 7/11/2025
- CALPADS EOY 4 Certification Deadline 7/25/2025
- CALPADS EOY 4 Final Amendment Deadline: 7/26/2025 - 8/8/2025