Infants and Toddlers
- Any infant or toddler receiving services from an LEA with a signed IFSP and receiving special education services must be assessed within the first 60 days of services up until:
- The DRDP Infant/Toddler Comprehensive View should be used with all infants and toddlers.
Children in Early Intervention, Preschool and TK
Any child enrolled in preschool, TK, or K who is 3, 4, or 5 years old, has a signed IEP, and is receiving special education services as of Nov. 1st. for inclusion in the fall assessment
- Prior to the cutoff date, the assessment should be initiated within the first 60 days of services.
- If the child turns 6 at any point during the school year (July 1 through June 30), the DRDP is not required in either the fall or spring assessment periods.
- Assessors Observe & Collect Documentation: August - December
- Click here to subscribe to DRDP updates
- Click here to learn more about DRDP
- Click here to do reports on DRDP ratings already entered into SIRAS and sent to DRACCESS.
- Click here for the Fall DRDP Exception list for SEDS Coordinators
To find your records needing DRDP
- Click the Search button
- Then click on the Predefined Queries Tab
- Then select the Desired Results Tab
SEDS Coordinators:
- Focus on getting case managers assigned.
- If student enrolled after cutoff of 4/1 or 11/1, enter enrollment date to remove from 'DRDP Eligible'
- Fill out SIRAS DRDP exception list for SELPA for all unable to rate. Not used for absence.
Assessors assess students & then have DRDP rating values entered into SIRAS: 09/01/2024 - 12/2/2024
Posted DRDP errors fixed and cleared by 12/9/2024
- Login to SIRAS
- Click on the Search button
- Look under 'Predefined Queries'
- Open up Desired Results Developmental Profile - DRDP (Spring/Fall)
- Click the one of the buttons in this area describing the records being looked for.
- DRDP Eligible: This list includes all potentially eligible including students who turn 6 later in the year.
- DRDP Required: This list will not include any students turning 6 during 2024-2025
- DRDP Not Started OR Incomplete: Eligible records that have either not been started at all or have been started but not completed.
- DRDP Complete: Those records that have been created and all needed fields filled in.
- DRDP Unable To Rate: Marking a record as unable to rate.
- Click on DRDP Eligible, we want these records accounted for.
- Click on DRDP Not Started OR Incomplete, this is our 'To Do' list we want this list to go to zero.
Once the record is found (Student list was seen, student name has already been clicked on):
- Click on the Student Info Menu at the top of the page.
- Select Assessment Info (DRDP) page option
- If DRDP has not been created yet
- - Click Create DRDP
+You may find students that should not be on this list, contact your SIRAS district SEDS Coordinator.
+You may discover students that should be on the list but are not, contact your SIRAS district SEDS Coordinator.
TIP: If a student can't be rated because they arrived after 4/1 or 11/1 cut off date, be sure district enrollment date is on the MIS Summary page to remove from eligible list.
Once the record is found (Student list was seen, student name has already been clicked on):
- Click on the Student Info Menu at the top of the page.
- Select Assessment Info (DRDP) page option
- If DRDP has not been created yet
- - Click Create DRDP
DRDP Ratings page opens up.
- Make sure your DR Access Reports login, work email is in place.
- Enter the date completed and other items at the top of the page.
- Fill in all ratings appropriately.
- Click 'Validate' when complete
- Fix listed validation errors
- Re-validate and fix until error free.
- If an error doesn't make sense, contact [email protected]
** NOTE: If Assessor Name is blank on a completed DRDP, delete DRDP, go back to MIS Summary, assign a Case Manager and recreate DRDP.
- Assessor Name is sourced from Case Manager Name.
- Assessor Name can be entered by hand if no Case Manager is applicable or if DRDP was already filled out.
DRDP Buttons:
- Validate - Validate DRDP record for data entry errors. (shown in upper right hand corner)
- Set all unable to rate - For those records where we can't rate but it is not for absence.
- Clear all - Will clear out all data entry.
- Delete DRDP - Will completely remove DRDP record if filled out in error.
- Once the DRDP ratings are put into SIRAS, they will become available for the providers to use for running reports at
Use checkbox interface [] checkbox toggles between menus or check boxes
DRDP Buttons:
- Validate - Validate DRDP record for data entry errors. (shown in upper right hand corner)
- Set all absent - Will fill out all Unrated Reasons with 'Absence'
- Clear all - Will clear out all data entry.
- Delete DRDP - Will completely remove DRDP record if filled out in error.
** NOTE: If Name for primary sped assessor is blank upon creation of DRDP SIRAS suggests to DELETE the DRDP and make sure the 'case manager' is assigned first.
- Name of primary special education assessor defaults from Case Manager name, can be typed into the box here if need be.
- Select the role of the person doing the assessment
- Add any adaptations as needed
- Fill in the date the assessment was completed
Historical DRDP
To find previous years DRDP ratings, go to /student info/student history. Then scroll down to the 'Archived DRDPs' area.
Feel free to contact [email protected] if you have any questions on above procedure or validation errors.