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Pending referral list
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Go /reporting/predefined lists/Data Monitoring

Select the New Referral List






For Fall 1, we will want to find all meetings where parent consent is prior to 10/2/2024 and the meeting will happen.
We need pending as of parental consent date archives made.



Archived Reporting Status:

Unreported - No pending as of archive created
Unreported for MM/DD/YYYY- Pending as of created, not sent to CALPADS yet

Complete- most recent archive (pending as of) reported to CALPADS


We can't archive the Pending As Of (parental consent date) until SSID is in place.


Click on the Assmt. Perm? Column that has Y/N answers in it.

Get all the Y values at the top.

If any  of the Y values don't have an SSID on the left, we need to follow up with SIS team to get SSID for those students.
Either an existing one or new one, even if preschool referral that 'won't enroll' this year.  We need the SSID to report the referral in a timely manner.

If the Assmt. Plan Received date (with permission =Y) is before Census and the meeting will be after, we need to archive the pending as of (parental consent) MEET record.







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