PSTS: [find/edit][print/email][read/enter][report][error help]
PSTS answers do not need to be archived for reporting!
Don't send PSTS data until all survey answers have been completed.
How to read survey responses for reporting:
• Fill out answer to Post Secondary Program first
• Fill out Post Secondary Employment question second
• If the student is not in a post secondary program and the answer was none, then only fill out the Post Secondary Employment question with one answer
• Siras can only post two survey answers.
• If further responses are needed, they can be posted manually after Siras has posted data.
If post secondary program answer is none, only fill out employment question.
Otherwise fill out both he post secondary program answer and the employment question.
If any more responses have been filled out, they can be entered manually in CALPADS.
Once a survey answer has been entered, notice two data points are now shown.
A) Report Status: This shows the status of the 'current' record is set to Post-Secondary. (This means when we go to CALPADS reporting, if the PSTS option is selected, this survey answer can be sent.)
B) Reported On: This field will be updated once PSTS data is sent to CALPADS. (Assuming file is not rejected.)
If we get two answers to fill out, we can do so like this: