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Home > Support Center > Support Center - Administrators > Annual Determination Letter Fall 24
Annual Determination Letter Fall 24
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Watch this CDE video to show the process of using 16.21 to combine two excel sheets into one by virtue of keeping matching ID and removing non matching.

Key point is we are filtering on 'overdue plan review' and 'overdue reevaluation'

Get this same column of SSIDs make an SSID Search list to upload into SIRAS


Any matches that are found in SIRAS from uploading this file need to be reviewed.

1) No show that needs to be made inactive in SIRAS and exited from CALPADS before 8/20/2024

1) Not overdue as of 8/20/2024 so can ignore

1) Not overdue in SIRAS but overdue in CALPADS (as seen in 16.21)


CA was notified by the Office of Special Education Programs that it needs assistance for both Part B and Part C.


Because of this each LEA in CA is having to do an analyis of a certain set of students.


The set of student we need to review are students who were enrolled at your district as of 10/4/2023 and they were still enrolled and had overdue plan reviews or overdue triennials as of 2/13/2024 of this year.

The video above shows how to find this list.

Once you have it, we call that List A.

We will want to take that list of SSIDs in a separate excel file with just SSIDs in the column and upload that into SIRAS

Whatever records are found in SIRAS are your list B.


Then we look at those records in List B to see which students will still be enrolled as of 8/20/2024.

Any students leaving (or are no show) before 8/20/2024 really need to be made inactive in SIRAS and exited in CALPADS before CALPADS pulls data from CALPADS on 8/20/2024


Once those records are made inactive, of those still eligible and participating as of 8/20/2024 we need to closely look at all of them to see if they are overdue in CALPADS

If they are really overdue, they remain on the final version of the list, List C.

If they are showing as overdue in CALPADS but not in SIRAS, then we need to report a MEET record from SIRAS, possibly because a meeting is still open.




If any students from LIST A below are still 'overdue' on LIST B below, that will be an issue for CDE.

LIST A are students who should not still be overdue as of 8/20/24 in your district.

LIST B is the LIST A SSID list uploaded into SIRAS to find and review who is still at your district

LIST C is the list of any students who appear to still be overdue as of 8/20/2024


We want to find any students in LIST B to determine if:

  1. Missing data from SIRAS is making the record appear overdue in CALPADS
  2. Student record is active in SIRAS but they left so should be made Inactive
  3. Record is really overdue so plan for director to account for it to CDE



Enrolled as of 10/4/2023


had a meeting overdue as of 2/13/2024

We want to compare this list of students who were showing as overdue for a plan review or reevaluation on 2/13/2023.


Once you have this list of students, you will want to make an excel spreadsheet with just these SSIDs in one column.

Go to the search area of SIRAS, click on the SSID list tab.



Students who are still enrolled as of 8/20 but were found overdue as of 2/13/2024


Then upload this list to see how many students are still active in your district.



If any of these students are still overdue as of 8/20/2024, CDE will be wanting explanation from your director possibly.

(this page will have more updates with screenshots and more details as appropriate)


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