Nov 18, 2024
- Sending Data:
- If we have 0 CALPADS IVR Errors in SIRAS and there are a significant amount of pending records waiting to be sent, then we should send data from Siras to CALPADS (CALPADS Reporting tab).
- When and how often your district sends data is a local decision but CDE and Siras both suggest minimally sending data at least once a month.
- Email [email protected] for further information.
- Calendar Events
- Send Data minimally monthly, adding a calendar event can help remind about the task.
- Run SSID extracts monthly to look for foundlings, calendar it.
- Review DRDP Not started or incomplete each week. Goal is to have no records on this list.
- Run DRDP Incomplete reports and send reminders second week week of Oct. and April.
- Run DRDP Incomplete reports and send reminders first week of Nov. and May.
- When staff complete DRDP data entry and validate with no errors, that removes the entry from the incomplete list.
- Making record inactive if they were not enrolled during DRDP rating window will remove entry from the DRDP incomplete list.
- Updating district enrollment date to show they enrolled after deadline, will remove entry from the incomplete list.
- Remind staff. DRDP help
- Daily
- Review homepage notifications
- Upcoming Annuals/Tris (Yellow)- schedule meetings/remind staff
- Overdue Annuals/Tris (Red)- schedule meetings/remind staff
- Review records with pending status (usually recent transfers)- check to see if they enrolled before activating the record. See help on padlet
- Review SIRAS Errors/Warnings until resolved/before sending more data to CALPADS. See error help on SIRAS 4 CALPADS Padlet
- Review Transfer requests. Once enrollment is confirmed, send the record. See help.
- Review Caseload Assignment requests. See help
- Review User transfer requests. See help
- Review incoming messages.
- Review SIS bridge report. Either a report to your email daily or in SIRAS Tools/Site Admin/Scheduled task logs.
- During certification season, review CALPADS Certification Errors/Warnings until resolved/before sending more data to CALPADS.
- Weekly
- Attend CALPADS Trainings (check CALPADS trainings/register/add to calendar)
- Attend SELPA Trainings (check SELPA events/register as needed/add to calendar)
- Attend SIRAS and CDE Office Hours (check SEDS Office Hour Links/add to calendar)
- If 0 Errors/Warnings in SIRAS, send data from Siras to CALPADS (CALPADS Reporting tab). See help page
- Review 16.21 report from CALPADS for students to find students listed outside of your district or SELPA, they will need plan adoptions if starting to participate.
- Review open meetings/resolve & finalize IEPs in SIRAS (all open meetings on/before reporting date- Census Day or 6/30)
- Locate students without a case manager in SIRAS by searching case manager =blank. See helpsheet. Assign a case manager to each active student.
- Homepage notification or Student Lists/Predefined/New referral list, check on SSID in your SIS and archive records with parent consent. see helpsheet on Padlet and ppt on padlet
- Beginning Nov 15 and May 1, review DRDP Not started or incomplete, note progress from DRDP eligible
- 2 weeks prior to SIRAS DRDP deadline, remind staff
- Monthly
- See SPED Focus by Month for reminders.
- Review Delay reasons using Predefined Lists (SIRAS)- if reasons are wrong, change data on current MIS and associated archives. See help on padlet
- Previously overdue IEP (for delay reason verification See help sheet for definitions)
- Previously overdue EVAL (for delay reason verification)
- DINC 2 Initial Eval > 60 days (review delay reasons)
- DINC 3 Initial Eval > 3rd bday (review delay reasons)
- Beginning Sept 1 and Feb 1, Review DRDP Eligible list, have preschool staff confirm that students are attending services
- Beginning Sept 1 and Feb 1, send message to preschool staff about DRDP deadlines, note DRDP eligible for your records
- Ensure all discipline, including NPS has been entered into your SIS. See CALPADS resources
- Review CALPADS Queries in Siras
- Inactive records requiring archive
- Reportable data changed
- Plan adoption required
- Review Compliance concerns in Siras
- Delay reason required
- Trans. Indicators req. and blank
- Any transition indicator = N
- KDG requiring updated program setting
- No Case Manager/ upcoming overdue.
- Max age exit required
- Review Predefined Lists
- Reportable Exits (Review Archived Reporting Status)
- Review Statistical reports. See help on padlet
- Print Indicator reports. Share with your director.
- Review DSEA lists
- Review Sending vs Receiving in Siras (see padlet helpsheet)
- Compare to CALPADS DSEA extracts
- Preparing for PSTS (next year)
- Add exit information of completers
- Add exit information for max. age (found in predefined query)
- Print Out of home care lists from SIRAS, save for your director in July. See help sheet on padlet.
- Who is collecting Work-based learning (WBLR) data? Will be reported EOY.
- Meet with your local data team. Discuss deadlines, current challenges, plans.
- Meet with your director to review overdues, process, request assistance with follow up.
- Find out upcoming certification deadlines, DRDP deadlines, internal deadlines.
- Data Monitoring Task: Pending referral list
- Data Monitoring Task: Special Ed. Program Data list
- Data Monitoring Task: School and District Data list
- Data Monitoring Task: Special Ed. INF/PRS Program Data list
- Quarterly
- Upload CALPADS reports to Improvement Data Center at for quarterly analysis.
- LEA Data drilldown help sheet
- How to upload CALPADS reports help sheet
- Yearly
- Private school follow-ups for eligible students not on ISP.