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Home > SIRAS Page Help > Reporting SIRAS Data to CALPADS
Reporting SIRAS Data to CALPADS
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The three bullet points on the left are:

  • # of student IEP events already reported since the beginning of the AY
  • # of records with pending report status (the Que of transactions waiting to be sent)
  • (HS Districts) PSTS records ready to report

Archived Records - Overview:  SIRAS creates an archived copy of each student record per meeting or reportable event.  These archives contain all the data that is required for reporting across the 4 CALPADS transaction types. The appropriate transaction types are derived from the associated meeting and other data such as Report Event Date and Last IEP Date. Here is how to know how

For events occurring outside of regular meetings held in the IEP Manager, there is a Manual Archival ("Archive for Reporting") function on the MIS Summary which allows archived records to be created and reported for various scenarios.


Archived records are initially flagged as Report Status = Pending which will pull them into the CALPADS API Reporting area. 


Step by Step CALPADS API Reporting Cycle:


  1. Connect to CALPADS API and login in the popup window
  2. Generate Files to create the SWDS, MEET, PLAN, SERV and optionally PSTS files for all records ready to report.
    Records with any previously imported errors will not be included, until those errors are cleared.
  3. Click Send Files. All files will be uploaded to CALPADS in sequence.
  4. Wait for CALPADS to finish processing. When completed, Job Status of each file will be either Posted or Rejected.
  5. If all files are successfully Posted, the reporting cycle is finished and SIRAS records will be marked as Complete.
  6. If any file is Rejected, no records will be posted to CALPADS, and there are a few more steps:
  7. Click Import Errors to attach the error messages from CALPADS to the student records in SIRAS.
  8. Locate the errors in SIRAS, make the corrections, and then clear the error messages.
  9. Restart the reporting cycle by Generating New Files.

Multiple Pending Records

CALPADS does not allow multiple records for the same student to be included in a single file. To accommodate this, SIRAS will only include the oldest record which is Pending Report Status with each file. If the oldest record has any imported Errors, nothing will be sent until they are corrected.

Special Functions

  • Reset Incomplete Reporting: use this if something gets messed up and you want to start the cycle over.
    The most recent files and associated jobs will be deleted.

Error Filters

The total # of errors in the CALPADS system will often be higher than what is imported back to SIRAS.
This is because SIRAS does not import any duplicate errors.


  • Each LEA is responsible for running Census based certification reports in CALPADS.
  • You may still have errors and warnings in SIRAS yet are able to Certify in CALPADS.
  • Be mindful of SIRAS posted errors as they indicate the associated transaction archive record hasn't successfully made it to CALPADS yet and will not be reported.
  • Once errors are resolved, they should be removed.





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