Are they already eligible and will start participating upon enrollment?
First things first, we need to update the SIRAS MIS page with the incoming plan information.
If this student is coming from a SIRAS district on your same server, then the MIS page may already be fully updated.
If not then we need to update the MIS so when the IEP team goes to work on the record, it has the plan being inherited.
If there is a scanned copy of the incoming IEP, create a placeholder meeting to capture that document and make it the most recent IEP available in the 'folder' Icon in the header rows of SIRAS.
Then we need a plan adoption right away, dated the district enrollment date. Click here for plan adoption instructions.
Related document> How to make a record Active
- IS student going to (possibly) start after a meeting to negotiate a new plan?
If the latter, then we do not make record active yet.
Onboarding new or returning students:
- For continuing students known to be on IEP/ISP and will be starting on the same plan we can skip to the plan adoption.
- Otherwise if this is a new student, we must establish four things about this situation
The EPSE or how to talk SWDS in CALPADS!
This is made up yes, but in hopes of making something catching to refer to.
The questions below can be inferred from CALPADS but know that CALPADS may not be fully updated.
So after we check what's in CALPADS we MUST verify the real answers from the IEP team.
If we find CALPADS is wrong on the status of the student upon arrival, we may need to contact the previous district to update CALPADS, or use a custom SIRAS archived transaction to report the newest SWDS status as learned by the IEP team.
Once we know the answer to these 4 context questions, we will know enough to build the records in CALPADS to represent the story of what happened in the field, regarding participating, stopping participating or being referred for IEP services scenario at hand.
As of today:
- Are they currently Eligible for IEP? [Y / N] - [If Y, does CALPADS also have SWDS 1? If not we may need to add a missing record in CALPADS. Otherwise keep going.]
- Were they Participating at the place they are coming from? [Y / N] If N, does the SWDS status in CALPADS match what we know from the field? If Y we need to confirm SWDS = 1 in CALPADS, if not we may need to add a missing SWDS record to CALPADS.
- Are they Still going be participating upon arrival at your district? [Y / N] [If Y: What date will they start? Upon enrollment or after a meeting on plan effective date?]
- Are they currently (or soon to be) Enrolled at your district? [Y / N] - [If Y: Ensure the participation start (plan effective) date overlaps enrollment in CALPADS.]
These four concepts must be reconciled by the SEDS coordinator in three places.
- SWDS information as seen in CALPADS.
- Active status in SIRAS.
- SEDS coordinator reaches out to IEP team to confirm the 'story'
When the SEDS coordinator is in communication with the IEP team we want to avoid ambiguous terms like 'exit' unless followed by explicit context of the EPES as seen above.
The phrase 'student exited Speech' can be confusing.
Does it mean the student stopped receiving a speech service but continues on an existing IEP plan.
Or does it mean the student is no longer for special ed. all and is not eligible and not participating.
A student being referred is currently not eligible nor participating, simply because we don't know as the initial evaluation hasn't happened yet.
The IEP team can let us know if the current eligible/participation status in CALPADS is accurate or not.
They can confirm what needs to be updated on the MIS page of SIRAS, IEP dates, service changes, etc.
Now that we heard from all three sides, we can say we know the history of the student arriving.
We also know what to set data to if either CALPADS or SIRAS has outdated information.
What CALPADS should be saying, if it isn't already, we may need to get CALPADS fixed.
So even if CALPADS isn't correct at this point, if we know what CALPADS 'should' be saying we can move forward in SIRAS.
We may just have to wait to send data until CALPADS catches up with what we know should be in it.
What SIRAS should be saying, if it isn't already?
Is this student arriving eligible and participating?
SIRAS should have an active record with updated special ed. plan information, and updated meeting dates.
If the student record isn't active already, once we can confirm the MIS is fully updated, make the SIRAS record active.
If the student is arriving eligible but not participating, we can either leave the record inactive if nothing will be done with the record other than staff reviewing the case.
Or if there will be a follow up meeting, we should change the active status from inactive to pending. Do not remove the inactive data!
Once the meeting is closed the record will return to inactive and only a MEET record will be sent if appropriate.
Assuming CALPADS is correct:
Now lets dial in the SIRAS Record for the IEP team based on what is happening.
What to do when new or returning students with disability move into your district and we know they will start participating right away.
- We must check CALPADS first to learn what CALPADS knows (or doesn't know) about this student.
- Then make sure to update the MIS Summary page to represent the overall plan the student is arriving with.
- Then archiving the plan adoption as of the district enrollment date will make the pending record active.
The only reason to use out of state SELPA From:
- If CALPADS has no information about a student who your IEP team already knows to be eligible for IEP.
- AND if the IEP offer of FAPE provided to the District was developed out of State, ONLY THEN can we use SELPA_FROM = Out of State
- Just because the student is 'returning from out of state' is not a justification to use and will generate SWDS0618 most likely.
- (More Info on this)
The assumption moving forward is a student known to already be on IEP moves into your district, so what do we do in Siras?
Onboarding SWDS = 1, 2 or 3, what do we do?
1 RAP Return already participating
Student will continue to participate upon enrollment, update MIS and archive plan adoption transaction.
Typically SWDS 1 is already established in CALPADS.
If SWDS 1 is missing in CALPADS either the original district needs to resend the SWDS 1 if it is known, or the local plan adoption archive can be used to send it as of the district enrollment date.
2 RTP Return to participation
SWDS 2 or 3 upon arrival. There is intent to participate again.
Set SIRAS district enrollment date to the date the student will be enrolled AND particpating.
Immediate participation, upon enrolling scenarios:
Scenario 1: SWDS 2 or 3 was NOT sent by your SIRAS record. SIRAS doesn't know the SWDS 2 or 3 from the most recent archive on the MIS.
- Create plan adoption, set to SWDS only, send data. Return to plan adoption record, set report status to Pending to send PLAN and SERV.
- You may need to resend the plan adoption archive as MEET Only if the most recent plan review is not present in CALPADS.
Scenario 2: SWDS 2 or 3 WAS sent by your SIRAS record. SIRAS does know the SWDS 2 or 3 from the most recent archive on the MIS.
- Create plan adoption, send data. This plan adoption, being after the inactive archive will automatically contain SWDS 1 as of SIRAS district enrollment date.
- You may need to resend the plan adoption archive as MEET Only if the most recent plan review is not present in CALPADS.
Delayed participation scenario
If the student will not start participating on interim services right away, as parents want a meeting to discuss plan that is fine, archive a plan adoption regardless, but don't send it. Allow staff to create the meeting to discuss return to participation. Make the plan adoption archive DNR for now.
If the student will start participating upon the plan effective date of the meeting, set the SIRAS district enrollment date to be the same as the plan effective date and make sure the active status is active prior to closing the meeting.
IF the original SWDS 2/3 was sent from your SIRAS record, the meeting that just closed will automatically contain the SWDS 1.
If the original SWDS 2/3 in CALPADS was not sent from your SIRAS record, then you will want to resend the meeting archive one more time as SWDS 1 to update CALPADS.
3 SOA Stopped participating on arrival, Cessation of Services
SWDS 1 currently in CALPADS. Then stop participating upon arrival at your district, so we need to send new SWDS status after making record inactive.
-Once Inactive Reason of cessation in Siras is archived as of notification date, SIRAS will send the SWDS 2 as of the inactive date for you when archived.
4 WUE Withdrawn upon entry. Revocation
SWDS 1, 2 or 3 in CALPADS. IEP team reaches out and response back is withdrawal of eligibility.
-Once Inactive Reason of revocation in Siras is archived as of notification date, SIRAS will send the SWDS 4 as of the inactive date for you when archived.
5 NCA Not CA based FAPE
SWDS data does not exist in CALPADS but eligibility from Out of State is documented.
CALPADS NOTE: -Use SIRAS Out of State SELPA to send full set of SWDS, MEET, PLAN and SERV records from MIS Page.
6 CNP Continued non participation
SWDS 2 or 3 in CALPADS. IEP team reaches out and there still will be no participation.
CALPADS NOTE: -Nothing to report unless SWDS 3. If so we send new SWDS 2. We don't replace or change the existing historical SWDS
in any way. We can archive the inactive status on the MIS Page as of date we found out, or enrollment date is also a suggestion for this 'amendment' type archive.
7 NTL [Not currently eligible]
SWDS 4 upon arrival, or no status at all in CALPADS.
CALPADS NOTE: -If a student with this status is referred then there should be an initial evaluation meeting.
8 YCA [Yes CA based FAPE] An initial evaluation was done on paper and hasn't been reported yet to CALPADS.
SWDS data does not exist in CALPADS but eligibility from CA is documented.
CALPADS NOTE: We have to use Plan Adoption archive to to send SWDS, MEET, PLAN and SERV records all from the one plan adoption archive.