Feb 23, 2025
[This is a live document intended to be a resource that can be returned to for help and guidance on these subjects.]
Upcoming Census Date for EOY 4 is 06/30/2025
The data monitoring procedures are ongoing maintenance preparing for certification.
Do we know who our data reviewers are?
Are they staying in contact and meeting
- Each LEA confirm SPED EOY 4 deadlines with SELPA.
- Each LEA confirm SPED EOY 4 tasks who they are assigned to.
- Confirm at least one scheduled check in with each LEA prior to SELPA approve.
- Make sure the CALPADS SIS Coordinator knows when SEDS coordinator is done sending data from SIRAS.
- Make sure each LEA is planning on doing the Census day reports on or as close to the literal census date this year of 6/30/2025
- Ensure DRDP ratings are being entered well before staff leave on break.
Two very important resources:
- CALPADS EOY 4 Roadmap
- EOY 4 Preparation Checklist from CDE - Each district should have a LEA approve planning meeting and go over this list.
Planning to get to LEA Approve
- Keep up with data monitoring as it reduces errors.
- SIRAS EOY 4 suggested due dates
- Pick a goal date to LEA approve by
- Pick a goal date to have all IVR errors cleared in SIRAS
- Run data monitoring queries on data before it is sent.
- If data wasn't monitored prior to sending, we can search archived and do same data monitoring to find fix candidates.
- Once all IVR errors are cleared and no more data needs to be sent, resolve any final SPED related CDDs in CALPADS
- Once all CDDs are resolved in CALPADS, we can look for a snapshot to certify.
- Who is the team to make this happen? Have a meeting to plan how the teams check in with each other.
- CALPADS enrollment, SIRAS SEDS coordinator sending data, key IEP Team contacts like program specialists who generate that can help explain context of what happened in the field.
- Plan to get all meetings either finalized, independently reported, or a pending as of record sent by an agreed upon date.
- CALPADS SIS coordinator keeps in contact with SEDS coordinator to know when all data needing to be sent to CALPADS for Fall 1 has been sent. This is all events with report event date 6/30/2025 or earlier.
- Meetings that happened on or before 6/30/2025 that can't be finalized before LEA approve need to have MEET record archived to report the meeting.
SPED EOY 4 Tasks
- Ensure all posted IVR errors in SIRAS are resolved
- Ensure all pending records in SIRAS get sent to CALPADS
- Ensure all Fall Initial IEPs have the parent consent sent as pending as of MEET record
- Ensure all meetings held on/prior to 6/30/2025 get reported to CALPADS
- Ensure all swds students enrolled as of 6/30/2025 are active in SIRAS
- Ensure all swds students not enrolled as of 6/30/2025 are inactive or pending in SIRAS
- Ensure plan type by primary disability distribution as seen in 16.12 is accurate
- Ensure primary disability by federal program settings as seen in 16.13 is accurate
- Ensure services by primary disability as seen in 16.15 accurately represent services provided by your LEA
Before EOY 4 06/30/2025
- See Data Monitoring Lists for getting cleaner data for Census day
- Monitor students needing updated program setting
- Look for program setting and % in gen. ed. anomalies
- Look for HS students turning 16 prior to Fall 1 to ensure the 8 transition reg. questions have set of Y/N answers in a plan effective prior or to 10/2/2024,
- Run 16.21 to monitor for missing plan adoptions
- Run 16.21 to compare to meetings held late in SIRAS
On EOY 4 06/30/2025
- Do the: Census Day Data Pull Report Tasks
- Print and save 16.12 statistical report from SIRAS.
- Print and save 16.13 statistical report from SIRAS.
- Print and save 16.15 statistical report from SIRAS.
- Print the Age by Disability matrix report from SIRAS.
- Run any other statistical grouped lists, matrix or table reports and securely store the .xlsx and .pdf files together in a secured folder.
- Run Out of Home Care Search (Padlet Link)
- Run Credentialing Audit Search (Padlet Link)
- Run Low Incidence Search (Padlet Link)
- Do Personnel report research
After EOY 4 06/30/2025
- Harder to fix problems as any archives made have dates after Fall 1.
- Use reporting period block to filter only sending event dates directly related to completing Fall 1.
- Don't Disable reporting period block until after Fall 1 amendment window ends.
- Meetings done on or prior to 6/30/2025 that can't be finalized need to have their meetings sent so these records don't look overdue.
- Records that are already overdue as of 6/30/2025 minimally need a 'pending' record record sent designating when the meeting event was created in SIRAS. This tells your FMTA your district is aware of the record being overdue. Include meeting delay reason if at all possible.