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Census Day Search and Store
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[This is a live document intended to be a resource that can be returned to for help and guidance on these subjects.]


What to do on 10/2/2024

  • Export Student/Service data with active/pending active status. Store securely
  • Print Age by Disability Matrix
  • Print other statistical grouped lists, matrix and table reports that show counts on them.


Census Day Search in SIRAS can be the action of exporting all active data literally on the Census day.

In fact that is what we suggest doing.

[Alternative, export active and pending and be sure to only report on the active status = active records when looking at data later in Excel.]

We suggest doing the student data preset export in /tools/data export

But also on the Census date, do print out of statistical reports and table or Matrix reports of active only records.
The reports/extracts you save literally on census date 10/2/2024 are what you can use to compare to 16. reports in CALPADS.


The important one we want to do for sure is the file extract run in SIRAS on the first Wednesday of October, this year that is 10/2/2024.

So yes, set your calendar, don't forget to do this. On 10/2/2024, login to SIRAS, and take the 3 minutes to do this for your district. If you are not sure what to do with the file immediately, SIRAS will store the file, but you will want to contact your local district IT department about where you would securely store this type of file for later local reference.


That way when staff ask you for 'how many active SPED students did we have in 2024?*' you can use this file at that time, to answer that question. Not only that, since the file you are about to create contains a good set of the relevant MIS page data, you can run detailed reports in that data file in Excel. When you do this extract, we suggest in addition to also use the Service Data export preset to save another file of the services. There is so much more you can do with this type of file. In addition to the census day search, this same extract can be run quarterly or monthly to save data points to analyze over time. See our compliance data analysis page.  Please audit the list of fields you see in your student data and service data exports. If there are any columns not populated that your district wants, please remember to add them to the end before you click start process - generate export.


*Assuming they mean the 2024-25 academic year un-duplicated dashboard data.


Login to SIRAS

If you are SELPA, be sure you are at SELPA level.
If you are District, be sure you are at District level

If you are Site, your District person should be storing this data but you can too!


Adjust your search to be

  • Fall 1 active status = active
  • EOY 4 active status = active/eligible


search to list if it isn't already your found set

(PS, you can include active/pending, but if you later use the file to report, you must remember to filter out active status = pending!)


Go to the /tools/data export area of SIRAS Under the export presets


Click the Student Data export preset

Choose your export preference of Code and Label, or Label and Code


Add the prefix of F24_ or 10022024_ or something to remind you this is a census day file and what census date it is being used for.

Click Start Process - Generate Export






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