[Service Log FAQ][Provider FAQ][SEDS Coordinator FAQ]
Why can't I open an Initial Evaluation?
- If the student already appears eligible, Siras will block creating an initial IEP.
- Did someone remove the old inactive date and reason?
- Check history and put the information back to the way it was if it was inadvertently removed.
- Then try opening the initial evaluation again.
- Or reach out to [email protected] for further assistance.
How do we send a 'pending as of' as of the parental consent date once parental consent is determined?
On the MIS Summary:
- The archive must be created and sent before the meeting date becomes today.
- Leave active status as pending.
- Do not enter district enrollment date.
- Click the archive and report to CALPADS button.
- Verify report event date as the parental consent date and create archive.
- Open archived transaction.
- Verify in MEET window that Meeting Date is blank and Pending As Of date is populated.
We had an initial evaluation but now parents are requesting an IEE.
Click here for more info on IEE.
We had a Part C to B IFSP to IEP Initial Evaluation but the IEP district name was not filled in by the IFSP district.
So the wrong LEA is reporting the Initial Evaluation. How do we fix this?
After the initial IEP is finished, transfer the current record to the IEP district.
If the student started participating:
- Update the district enrollment date to be plan effective date
- Archive with reason of 'Evaluation or Review completed without using IEP manager, report event date = meeting date'
- IFSP district will need to remove the MEET, PLAN and SERV record from the initial
- Then the IEP district can report the MEET, PLAN and SERV records with the IEP district as the reporting LEA.
If the student was found eligible but not participating at the meeting
- Leave the district enrollment date blank
- Make the record inactive as of the meeting date.
- Type of inactive is initial evaluation outcome, fill out appropriate non participation reason
- Archive with reason of 'Evaluation or Review completed without using IEP manager, report event date = meeting date'
- IFSP district may need to remove what was reported including the SWDS 2 and MEET record.
- Then the IEP district can report the new SWDS 2 or 4 and MEET record.
How do we create an initial evaluation in Siras?
See the referral process part of initial evaluation procedures.
How do we send the full results of an Initial Evaluation to CALPADS?
If the initial IEP originated on your SIRAS server, then open the archived meeting transation, and set the report status to Pending.
If the initial IEP did not originate on your SIRAS server, and does not exist in CALPADS, then fully completing the MIS Summary page to look like it was done in SIRAS can be used to create an archived transaction for the purpose of restoring historical records in CALPADS. Contact [email protected] for assistance with this.
Our district is an IFSP district and the Initial IEP is going to be done by the IEP district, can they do the meeting while the Siras record is still at our district while we complete the final 6 month review?
Yes, see this help sheet on the Transition IFSP to IEP meeting procedure.
The student being referred is already enrolled in public school. Why do we need to 'enroll' as of the parental consent date?
We don't, the public school enrollment already in place is sufficient. We only need to enroll 'as of parental consent' date when the student is not currently enrolled at your district.
The type of enrollment recommended is district level enrollment as of parental consent and it will allow you to report any result of the initial evaluation once completed.
If the student starts on an IEP or ISP plan, then we can add a new enrollment as of the plan effective date, when the student will start attending and participating on the IEP or ISP plan.