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Home > User Manual > SIRAS Page Help > Next Year's Data Help
Next Year's Data Help
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Next year's data is optional but can be very useful.


Next years data allows feeder districts to automatically push records to the correct district over summer.
Next years data allows receiving districts to do projections of the amount of students and eligibility types to expect for the coming year.


There are two main types of Next Year's Data

  1. Next Year's District/School/Provider information set by SPED data staff
  2. Next School Year form IEP Plan updates by the IEP Team


Next Year's District/School/Provider information

  • Is created and updated by SPED staff as early as needed.
  • Store changes to schools within district that will be applied during the summer rollover.
  • Store transfers to new districts that will be applied during the summer rollover.
  • 8th grade feeder districts should set the HS district as next year's district


Next School Year forms

  • Store changes to an IEP plan that won't take effect until when school comes back in fall.
  • Is created in the IEP Manager as appropriate at end of School year.
  • This form would not be appropriate to fill out in the fall, only at end of school year.
  • If district, school or providers will be changing, they must be updated under /student info/next year's data first
  • Is populated in the Next School Year IEP form in the IEP Manager
  • Store updates to an IEP plan that won't take effect until when school comes back in fall.




The Next Years Data tab is a holding place for future data that will be applied to the students current data after the end of school year rollover in July.  Its connected to the ‘Revisions to IEP for Next School Year’ sometimes called the ‘Record of Change’ IEP form.  When that form is completed it will update the information in the Next Years Data tab.  This can be reviewed by going to Student List under the Reporting menu, selecting Predefined List tab and selecting the ‘Next Years Data’ button.


During the rollover, the next year's data is only applied to active status = active records.


Next Year's data will not be applied during the rollover when:

  • There is an open meeting SIRAS with a date in the past
  • The active status is Pending

Placing the Next Years Providers will allow users from the students next years Providers to be able to view their future caseloads (students not yet transferred) in read only.


When 8th grade districts fill in their local HS district(s) for the next school year, the HS district SPED data staff can start doing their projections for the coming year.

  • SIRAS HS Districts can see total number of incoming freshmen.
  • SIRAS HS Districts can run statistical reports to breakdown projected eligibility count for staffing and classroom projections.


To view the future students and run these projections the SPED Data user will click on the little red school house in the upper right hand corner and select ‘Incoming Students’ or ‘Next Year Preview’.  Once this is done the incoming future records will be ‘Read only’.

With exception of the content on the Next Years Data tab.
This where the next years district staff can complete the rest of the information needed to be completed on this page first.

  • Next years District
  • Next Years School Attending
  • Next Years Providers


so that the new school and providers can be assigned in preparation for the rollover in July.


Under Student Info / Next Years Data, click on ‘Create Next Year’s Data’ to enter new information.

If the student is staying at the same school, then this can happen automatically if the user opens the Next School Year form in the IEP Manager.



If the student is transferring to a new District or school over summer, this page below needs to be updated before the end of the year with the new information.

Otherwise the during the rollover if it is blank, Siras assumes everything is staying the same for the next year.

If the student is going to a different school in the same district, set it here for Siras to change it over summer.
If the student is going to a new district, like a HS district, the 8th grade district can set the HS district here.
Then the HS district can see these records and fill out the school and providers ahead of time.



To view the future students and run these projections the SPED Data user or Provider will click on the little red school house in the upper right hand corner and select ‘Incoming Students’ or ‘Next Year Preview’.  This will allow ‘Read only’ access.



With exception of the content on the Next Years Data tab for SPED data staff
This where the next years district staff can complete the rest of the information needed to be completed on this page first.

  • Next years District
  • Next Years School Attending
  • Next Years Providers


Incoming Students = only those with Next Year's District Attending set to your district.

Next Year Preview = includes the above plus current students who do not have a different district as Next Year's District Attending.





ESY Enrolled:

This flag which indicates Enrollment in ESY will be cleared at the end of summer, on September 1st.   It is not technically part of the Next Year's Data or the rollover.


Once Next Years Data is created, staff having transitions can fill out the following forms.




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