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Home > User Manual > IEP Team > Active Status
Active Status
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Active – Eligible and Participating in Special Education. [SWDS = 1 in CALPADS and recent PLAN and SERV record in CALPADS]


If a student record has the active status set to Active, that is an affirmation and attestation that the following things are true:

  1. Student is eligible already
  2. Student is enrolled
  3. Student is participating on an agreed to plan

If any of those 3 are not true, the record should -not- have active status = Active.

If all those 3 are true, the record should have active status = Active.



If student leaves the district or stops participating, the active status needs to be updated to reflect this by the active status changing to Inactive.

Not all inactive reasons are reportable.


When changing the active status from pending to active in SIRAS we are either:

  • Updating SIRAS to reflect what is already in CALPADS.


  • We are preparing SIRAS to send this new status to CALPADS to update CALPADS.

If a student is Active in SIRAS, we expect to see in CALPADS

  • SWDS = 1
  • MEET - most recent plan review and re-evaluation meetings
  • PLAN and SERV record with plan effective date in alignment with CALPADS SENR enrollment at your district.



Pending -- A new student, either awaiting initial evaluation, or new to the LEA.



SIRAS records with the pending status are a 'to do' list, we eventually want to make all records either Active or Inactive.


If a student is Pending in SIRAS, we expect to see in CALPADS

If a student has parental consent for an initial IEP before a census date and the initial evaluation will be after the census date we should send a pending 'as of' archive to CALPADS.






If a student is Inactive in SIRAS, we expect to see in CALPADS

If the inactive reason means the student is residing in the district but not participating now, we should see SWDS = 2 in CALPADS. We would not want PLAN or SERV record with plan effective date after the SWDS 2 effective date. To have them would be an error.  PLAN records indicate that as of the plan effective date the student is active and participating, so having them sent to CALPADS while student is listed as not participating will generate missing eligible and participating status.


If the inactive reason means the student is eligible but not enrolled we should see SWDS =3 in CALPADS.  If the student returns to your district and enrolls but doesn't start participating, we would need to update the SWDS 3 in CALPADS to be SWDS 2, or get an error.


If a student record is changed from pending to inactive, that may imply the student never was eligible or never started participating at all.

Just because a student didn't start participating at your district and moved on, does not indicate that we need to have SIRAS tell CALPADS the student is not participating anymore. This would be inactive of moved or no show.

If the parents or student indicated to your district intent to stop participating, thus making the SWDS = 1 status in CALPADS no longer accurate, we would archive the inactive reason in SIRAS to report this eligibility or non participation status.  Ex. Withdrawal = Not Eligible, Cessation of services = Eligible but not participating


So as long as we are keeping up to date updating SIRAS with inactive reasons that need to be manually entered into SIRAS and archived, this will update CALPADS for us.

– Student is not participating in Special Ed. or no longer enrolled at the LEA. Specific reasons include:

  • Moved and known to be continuing: For students who are continuing in Special Ed., but have left the SELPA. If the student is known to be leaving CA, choose the 'Moved out of state' option under 'Left school' instead.
  • No Show / No Evaluation: For students who never completed an Initial Evaluation. Not reported. May be queried as 'Inactive Other Reason'
  • Left School / Completed HS / Moved out of state: Completer Exits with regular diplomas will be reported with Not Eligible status and non-participation reason. All others in this category will generate a Non-Participation code 31: Left school and not expected to return, and a Special Ed status code 3: Eligible, not enrolled
  • Exit or Withdrawal: Student was determined no longer eligible, or has withdrawn from Special Ed.
  • Initial Evaluation Outcomes: Includes DNQ, No Consent, and Eligible but Not Participating reasons. For indicating the reason a student completing an Initial Evaluation will not be participating



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