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Home > Support Center > Support Center - Administrators > ## student records with pending report status
## student records with pending report status
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Go to /Reporting/CALPADS Reporting

See how many record have pending report status.

Events that have a date prior to the upcoming report date all need to be sent.

If not sent, we are under reporting events.

Reasons one of these records isn't being sent:

  • The date it is effective is in the future.
  • We are solving EOY4 in July and it's a July event - reporting period lock
  • We are solving FALL1 after the first wednesday in October - reporting period lock
  • The archive is associated with a plan amendment that was not agreed to (this must be DNR'd)
  • An IVR CALPADS Error has been posted to it.


Reporting period lock



We want to get this number down to zero.

But if it doesn't, and the records left over represent the reasons listed above, for purposes of certification can be ignored.



We can change Other Review (Stay Put) and Addendum (Stay Put) archives to be Do Not Report.

They are plans that aren't agreed to, by definition, we can't report them.

Keep up on this as in the screenshot below, the 12/5/2023 Annual Plan Review has not been reported yet.
This Stay Put archive is blocking it.


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