SWDS Student with disabilities status file
SIRAS In/Active Status is SWDS (PPT in Padlet link)
- Once a SWDS record has been set in CALPADS, it stays. (Assuming it's correct!)
- Changes in status are reflected by new SWDS records being added to CALPADS, not modifying existing historical ones already in place.
- They are reported automatically from SIRAS if the correct IEP event type is chosen in the IEP manager. (Ex. Annual, Triennial, Initial)
- For incoming records where SIRAS is not updated, get existing or new record created to reflect the incoming plan.
- We can use plan adoption archives to send SWDS = 1 as of district enrollment date for students who return to participation
- If we see SWDS 1 in CALPADS, we assume the record has active status = active in SIRAS
- If we see SWDS 2,3 or 4 in CALPADS, we assume the record has active status = inactive in SIRAS or pending if staff need to hold a meeting, just don't remove the inactive data when making the record pending.
- We don't edit the exiting archives with the older date and status. The data needs to be left alone.
- The report status of a plan adoption archive set to SWDS Only will send SWDS 1 effective as of district enrollment date.
- Make sure report event date matches district enrollment date.
- Special Education Initial Entry Start Date
- Special Education Status Effective Start Date
- Special Education Status Code
- Non-Participation Reason Code
Special Education Initial Entry Start Date
After initial evaluation for IDEA Part C or B, the initial entry is the date that the parent or guardian consents to the initial provision of special education and related services, even if the parent has not yet agreed to a partial or the full offer of Free and Appropriate Public Education. This date is captured once and would never change, even as the student transitions from the IDEA Part C Program to the IDEA Part B Program.
Format: CCYYMMDD, e.g. 20081025;
- If this date is not known or not available, please use the best approximate date.
- Once this date is identified, the date should never change, even if the student moves from one SELPA or district to another or moves between special and regular education programs (exits Special Education and then re-enters).
Special Education Status Effective Start Date
The date when a student's special education status became effective in California.
Format: CCYYMMDD, e.g. 20081025;
- For students who are being initially evaluated, this would be the date a determination was made.
- For students whose status is changing, it would be the date the student's status changed.
- For students who are identified as eligible outside of CA and then transfer in, this would be the date the student first entered a CA public school.
- For students who were determined eligible in CA, left out of state and were exited from special education out of state, then come back to CA, this would be date the student's exit status was recorded in CA.
If the status of this student is not changing from the previous district to your district, no new status effective start date needs to be sent. (SWDS0618)
This date is automatically set during initials as of the meeting date.
This date can be set by district enrollment date of the archive.
Useful in scenarios 4 RTP
Special Education Status Codes
1 - Eligible and participating [SIRAS status = Active]
2 - Eligible and not participating [SIRAS status = Inactive or Pending with Inactive reason/date still in place]
3 - Eligible and not enrolled [SIRAS status = Inactive]
4 - Not Eligible [SIRAS status = Inactive]
See CALPADS CFS Documentation file (external link)