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Before Rollover Help
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SIRAS rollover is the combined procedure of:

  • Advancing grades for active SPED, 504 and SST active records
  • Processing next year’s data for active SPED only into current data.
  • Next year's data is only useful if student is transferring to a new district or new school within a district.
  • Next year's data is not required, but useful.

When is the rollover?

  • 504 and SST will be rolled over by the first week after the EOY4 Census date.
  • Each SELPA has their SPED End of Year (EOY) Rollover done separately. At the latest this should be done by the first weeks of August after the 2020 EOY4 Certification deadline.
  • SELPA may determine when SIRAS does the rollover after taking into consideration when all LEA will be SELPA Certified for EOY4, or minimally when all LEA have mitigated any records under consideration below. (Mitigated = changing active status to Pending to hide record from rollover until LEA is done working with or fixing any record under consideration.)
  • Please see this help sheet for early rollover contingencies.
  • Tentative IEP Rollover Dates:
  • 7/08/2024: 1514, All SELPA active SST & 504 data
  • 7/13/2024: 2700, 3100, 4411, 5600, 7100, 1951
  • 7/20/2024: 1511, 1512, 1514, 3312, 3500
  • 7/27/2024: 1501, 1923, 1924, 4200, 43XX


Rollover Procedures:

  • If student is going to a different district next year, do not make record inactive!
  • Leave next year’s district/school blank if student is not transferring.
  • Leave next year’s providers blank if student is retaining same providers.
  • Feeder districts complete filling out Next Years District of where student is going next year.


How 'incoming districts' can complete next years data remotely for your incoming Students:

  • Click School House Icon (Change View Scope)
  • Select ‘Incoming Students’ under View Next Year’s Students
  • Run /reporting/statistical reports/setup custom report
  • Run report by ‘next school’ and ‘next case manager’
  • You will need to unlock the page to add this new information.


Important notes for completing Next Year's Data

  • Changes to providers for returning students must include complete caseload for next year.
  • Delayed changes to IEP services for next year must include complete set of continuing/amended services and old service/dates removed from next year’s reference.
  • What you see in Next Year’s data is what you will get next year, so don’t leave it incomplete when it comes to returning students.

Rollover Exceptions:

  • Only Active Status = Active records will be considered for Next Year’s data rollover and grade advance
  • Any record with open meeting date in past and meeting ‘held’ indicator has been checked will not get the grade advanced, nor will next years data get applied.
  • If grade retained is checked, grade will not get advanced.
  • Records with pending transfer status will not get next years data applied.

Considerations for SELPA wanting to rollover in July:

- Any districts that will not certify by rollover date.

- Any feeder districts with CERT errors on students leaving their district may want to change the active status of those records to ‘pending’.  This will keep the current record in your district and buy time to solve the CERT error before allowing the record to matriculate to the next district.

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