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After Rollover Help
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  • Rollover: Next year’s data is applied to current data.
  • Grade advance: Process of advancing grades to next level. Technically part of rollover but not dependent upon having next year’s data. No one should have to advance grades manually except when a record is not rolled over.




Current Students: This is the default found set of students who are enrolled at your district.
Incoming Students: This is the found set one can use to preview student records that will be transferring to your District once the rollover happens.




What to do after the rollover:

  • Find Pending Records to confirm if they need to be Active or Inactive
  • Review 'Incoming Students' view under the school house Icon to see if another district has to close out records to be sent to your district.
  • Use Plan Adoption Required predefined query.
  • If your district has tens to hundreds of incoming students needing plan adoption, contact [email protected] for assistance in batch creation of those plan adoptions.
  • If any of the expected records coming to your district did make it, and are still showing in the 'View Incoming' view, then most likely the record has a meeting that needs to be finalized by the other district, or the other district made their record pending to temporarily keep the record at their district while they finish up with it.  If you need help contacting the other district, reach out to [email protected] for contact info from the other district.
  • User Rollover Date to find records in your district that didn't rollover yet.


SIS to SIRAS Comparison:


  • Get list of students known to be enrolled for the coming year from your SIS system.
  • Export a list of active and pending students from SIRAS. 
  • Compare those two lists using VLOOKUP in Excel to find:
  • Students that are active or pending in SIRAS but not matched to the SIS list. (Make Inactive in SIRAS)
  • Students that are pending in SIRAS and in the list from the SIS (confirm district enrollment date, make active and plan adopt)




How to find records that have not rolled over yet:

  • Click Search
  • Add criteria of Rollover Date
  • Set to dates less than 7/1/2024  "< 7/1/2024"



Once you have found the record(s)

Review for records that need to have grade advanced and maybe next years data applied as well.
Some pending records may need to stay in that 'pending' status if enrollment isn't confirmed yet.


Ensure open meeting was closed or certification error was resolved and we can change active status back to Active


  • Go to Next Year’s Data
  • Use the Advance and Apply Next Year's Data
  • NOTE: This button only works for District SPED Clerk and District Admin 1 user roles.


MIS Summary Page

Main points:

  • To avoid future SENR0606 errors for all new transfers, create plan adoption archives as soon as enrollment is confirmed. Also remind staff to not create meeting dates that are on the same day as the first day of enrollment as we use that date for the archive. Unless staff are doing an interim placement amendment on the actual district enrollment date. In that case that amendment can create the plan adoption archive.
  • Student records transferred to you during the rollover have the active status of pending.  Locate them quickly using the link from below the green circle on the home page Pending (usually recent transfers).
  • For the recent transfers and the active kids, you can now review/confirm/edit providers for the 24-25 SY. In other words, update your caseloads for the 24-25 SY.  This starts with a list from your admin about which providers are at which schools.  Then you can run a list in SIRAS of all of your active students, group by school attending and case manager.  Add a column of All Providers.  The providers should be updated by the first day of school.
  • If the record did not rollover because the meeting will be continued in the fall, then you must be in touch with the team. Monitor those records as they finalize. After finalizing, make the necessary changes to the MIS, as mentioned in the previous point.
  • Check your new referrals list. All of them are pending status and the grades did not advance. For students with meeting dates, after the rollover, update the records to their new grade. If the team has opened the SIS/demographics form, and it is showing the old grade/school it will need to be reopened so that the new info is updated on the forms.


After rollover and grade advance SPED Clerk tasks:
1)    Locate student records that had Next Year’s Data and did not rollover to Current
    This is an ongoing process as you may have to wait till meetings are finalized.
2)    Locate student records that did not grade advance and did NOT have Next Year’s Data
    They may have had retain grade checked, or were active status = pending
3)    Pending Status = Pending: Activate newly enrolled students (Don’t forget to archive the Plan Adoption) Please refer to Creating a baseline record under Siras Reporting Help in the siras4calpads padlet.
    If you have over 50 incoming students, let us know so we can help archive them.
    Before we batch archive the incoming students, minimally do the following for the incoming pending records:

  • If student will not enroll, make record inactive as of first day of school as 'No Show' (Don't archive!)
  • Fill out School Attending for all. (Can be set in batch)
  • Fill out District Enrollment date for all. (Can be set in batch)
  • Contact us at [email protected] for assistance with any aspect of this!


4)    Use the document Meeting Report Help under Meeting Help at siras4admins
5)    Request/Complete Transfers (Monitor the home page Transfers tab)
6)    Assign case managers (this includes removing assignments from staff who left)
7)    Confirm Provider Caseloads (Monitor the home page Assignment Request tab)
8)    No shows and confirming District/School Attending (Use inactive/other/No Show)
9)    Compliance check
10)    Block/Create User Accounts (See ‘When Staff Leave’ in Siras4Admins)
11)    Enter Calendar Events in Siras4Admins (Tools/Site Admin)
12)    Search for student records with services that ended prior to 7/1/2023


  • Meeting Help:
  • Adding Calendar events:
  • When Staff Leave:
  • Admin. Beginning of School Year Help:

Note when you have new staff for your district: If you go to create a user account and you get the message that the user account already exists, do not create a duplicate account! Please contact [email protected] to have the account moved over. Duplicate user accounts waste time for all staff involved in using them and cleaning them up.

1)    Locate student records that had Next Year’s Data and did not rollover to Current.  This was due to students having open meetings- held with a date prior to the rollover. Go to the Search, add criteria of Rollover date <7/1/2024 and Has next year’s data. Search to List.

After the IEP meeting is completed, finalize the meeting, go to the Next Year’s Data page and Advance to Next Year’s Data using the button at the bottom of the Next Year’s Data page.


If there are students on the list who do not have open meetings, this means they finalized the IEP meeting after the rollover.  Confirm the student’s Next Year’s Data is really intended for Next School Year, as in this new AY we are in now, the 23-24 school year.  If the contents of Next Year’s Data were leftovers and intended for any previous school year and no longer relevant, the next years data should be deleted.

2)    Locate student records that did not grade advance and did NOT have Next Year’s Data.  This was due to students having open meetings- held with a date prior to the rollover. Go to the Search by clicking Modify, add ‘Exclude’ check to Has Next Year’s Data.  Search to List.


After the IEP meeting is completed, finalize the meeting, go to the MIS Summary Page and advance the student’s grade.

If there are students on the list who do not have open meetings, this means they finalized the IEP meeting after the rollover.  Confirm what the student’s grade should be right now and advance the grade if necessary.

Or run a School Attending by Grade Statistical report.

3)    Active Status = Pending: Activate newly enrolled students: Students who had your district as Next Year’s District prior to the rollover are now yours. The students transferred to you via Next Year’s Data have the active status of Pending.  Go to the bottom of the homepage to locate the link of the recently transferred.


Review and update MIS Summary page as needed:

  • School type
  • Program setting
  • Primary residence
  • Add case manager and providers
  • Confirm enrollment before activating and archiving the record for CALPADS reporting.
  • Use predefined query of ‘no case manager upcoming/overdue’

A baseline archive to CALPADS is required when students transfer in.  If not, a CERT 132 will result in CALPADS.  Determine if their IEPs/EVALs are overdue or due in the first 30 days of school by using the default management list.  Alert the new team to the compliance concerns.

4)    Use the document Meeting Report Help under Meeting Help at siras4admins
Go to Reports/Meeting reports/ Predefined and select reports to review meetings that are still open that should be closed.


5)    Search for students exited in Siras between 7/1/2_ and 8/1/202_.  This will cause a difficulty with SPED CERT 143 and PSTS if the exit date in Siras does not match what is in CALPADS.
Change the date to match the actual exit date, refer to the enrollment record in CALPADS.
If there is legitimate but brief summer enrollment after 7/1, then that enrollment falls under the scrutiny of EOY 4 202_. Be careful if students -only- get services from your district during summer, a baseline archive will be required! Per CALPAD Flash 166
For PSTS students the acceptable exit date range is 8/16/202_ - 8/15/202_.


6)    Request/Complete Transfers. Request transfers of students that are newly enrolled in your district. This may include students that did not have your district listed as the Next Year’s District and/or did not rollover because they still have an open meeting in the prior district.  Request ‘Allow Preview’ to view the record until the prior district can complete the IEP meeting. Go to the Homepage in Siras and view the Transfers table. Review the transfer requests. Send the records or Cancel the requests as appropriate.

7)    Assign case managers: Search for students without a case manager. Search for Case manager= blank and assign case managers to students in the list. This search can be repeated for Speech Pathologist, Psychologist or related service provider of your choice. Add or remove additional providers as needed by clicking on the student record > going to the MIS Summary page > Edit Providers.  Use predefined query of ‘no case manager upcoming/overdue’


8)     Confirm Provider Caseloads: Go to the Home Page in Siras and view the Assignment Requests table. Providers can request a student to be assigned or removed from their caseload. These requests will need to be Approved or Cancelled by the Admin. Go to Reporting > Student Lists > Edit List. Add the list option ‘All Providers’ from the left to the right. You can edit the right column to include only information you wish to see.  Click Update List. This will show you all of the providers for your found set of students. Add or remove additional providers as needed by clicking on the student record > MIS Summary > Edit Providers.

9)    No shows and confirming District/School Attending. Confirm students are attending your district/school. If the student is not in the correct school, unlock the student record on the MIS Summary page and change the school. There is no need to send a transfer request. If the student is no longer in your district for any reason, make the student Inactive > Exited > Put in the last day student received services (Exit Date) > List the appropriate reason. This should match the date in your SIS and the CALPADS enrollment record. If the student was not with your district last year, then use Inactive/Other/No Show.

10)    Compliance check. To prevent overdue meetings right at the beginning of the school year, go to the homepage and select the IEP link next to upcoming. In the Choose Student list that comes up, click on the Student Lists / Print button. Change the date in the Upcoming as of field to a date that = your first day of school. This will give you IEPs due within the first 30 days. Then go back to the home page link and select Triennials. Click on the Student Lists/ Print button and follow the same steps to add your first day of school. This will give you Triennials due within the first 75 days of school. Make sure that the Case Managers of these students are aware of the early meetings that are due. In addition, use the Search button/ Predefined queries to determine Overdue + Unscheduled IEPs. If the students are still active, notify their IEP teams that meetings should be held before Fall 1 CALPADS reporting.

11)    Block/Create User Accounts If staff have left the district, go the Manage Users> Choose User. Reassign active/pending students to someone else’s caseload, remove inactive students and remove their school email and phone from the account before inactivating their account. Do this by adding the role Block Access. Create New User Accounts for new staff. If the user has an account in SIRAS at another district, contact Support to transfer the user account to your district.

12)    Enter Calendar Events. Enter school holidays in excess of 5 days in Tools/SELPA-District-School Admin. Under the same tab in SIRAS, add Progress Report dates for the 202_-202_ school year. Enter the regular report card dates for the district. If there are different reporting periods within your district, narrow your focus using the schoolhouse icon (located in the upper right corner) to the specific school with different dates. Utilize the “Description” column to name each reporting period (quarter, trimester, semester, P1, etc.).

13)    Search for expired services.  Open the search dialog box. Add criteria of Service End Date < 7/1/202_, click Search to List.  Click Predefined Lists and run Services (Regular Services)
Also search for really old < 7/1/202_ as unless these are old stay put contested services they should not have this old an end date.









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