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Home > Support Center > Frequently Asked Questions > We have a new student in our district, what do we do? - arriving Eligible and Participating
We have a new student in our district, what do we do? - arriving Eligible and Participating
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We have a new student in our district, what do we do?


Student is arriving as: (Check CALPADS first!)

[Already Eligible and Participating]|[Eligible Not Participating]|[Not Eligible]|[Private School]


  • If student is arriving already eligible and was participating at the last district and will start participating with your district, a plan adoption must be done.
  • If the student is arriving and will not be participating, or is not eligible there is no plan to adopt! (But we may want to make an archive immediately for other reasons.)

SSID Exists already when creating a new record:

Whatever you do, if the student already has an SSID, if you go to create a record and the SSID is already in Siras, do not create a new record.

Request the transfer!


Here is info on Plan Adoption. But basically update the MIS to appear as if the incoming plan and services were done in your Siras.

If the record is transferring from another Siras district that already is updated, great, you are in luck. If the record is coming from a non Siras district you will need to check CALPADS and have your IEP team verify the current paperwork with the parent/guardians to ensure you know the MIS is fully updated.


Check CALPADS to see what the current SWDS status is, when were the last meetings, what is the latest plan and services reported by the previous district?

You will need this info to update the MIS page possibly.


If the student is not currently eligible and not being referred, there is nothing to do in Siras.

If the student was previously eligible and might be referred, if the IEP team wants an existing record or a new one created, we can do that by using /tools/request transfer to search for existing records by SSID.  If you search by first/last/dob you may need to do multiple searches for students with multiple last names, searching for each last name separately.


If you are not from Ventura or Kern, but you see IEP history from there email [email protected] to get the record transferred.

If you are from Ventura or Kern, and this student came from a 'Siras District', email [email protected] to get the record transferred.


Once we have a record in place we want to update the MIS Summary page with your current school, DSEA, DOGR, grade and providers.

Keep the record with active status Pending, and don't remove the inactive reason if the inactive reason indicates the student is no longer participating.

Remove the inactive reason if it's a not reportable inactive reason.


Assuming the student arrives eligible and participating, we need the MIS page of Siras updated to reflect the most recent meetings, plan and service info from the previous district. That way if staff open a 30 day or amendment and they work with the guardians, the most recent plan/meeting information will be on their paperwork.


Make sure the district enrollment date is put in place and then archive the plan adoption as of the district enrollment date.


If the student arrives not participating but eligible, we do not do a plan adoption.

We may need to get Siras ready for staff to have meetings but if the student doesn't start participating, we may not report anything. Unless an actual plan review or re-evaluation was done.



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