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Home > Support Center > SIRAS CALPADS Reporting for SELPA Office
SIRAS CALPADS Reporting for SELPA Office
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The S in SIRAS is for SELPA.


If you have SELPA User access combined with CALPADS access user access roles you will be able to monitor all your LEAs reporting status in SIRAS.


You will be able to monitor meetings held late or meetings that will be overdue as of an upcoming census date.

Use these queries in SIRAS At the SELPA level, then go to statistical reports.


Do a statistical report by reporting LEA and school attending.

Or even by DSEA. 


Monitoring CALPADS Reporting of your LEAs



Go to the bottom of the page and look for this menu:


The first report, CALPADS Reporting Status by District is important to use to find districts who may have not sent data recently to remind them to keep up with that task. When you look at it you will see multiple lines per district.

  • If the most recent CALPADS reporting Job Status was a rejected, that is not a status that should be sitting more than a day.
  • If the most recent CALPADS reporting was within the last month, we are ok typically, depending upon if done or not close to LEA Approve.
  • If the most recent CALPADS reporting is over 2 months ago, this is a concern and the LEA should be contacted to find out why data has not been sent within the last month.



Click on Open Error Report to see a summary of CALPADS IVR errors across the SELPA.
Use the 'Group by district' option to see the breakdown across specific LEAS.



If you want to know how many unreported records there are by district, click the Go To Unreported Records Report.


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