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Home > User Manual > Transportation List
Transportation List
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Back to Special Ed. Profile for Transporation


  • Click on Reporting/Student Lists/Predefined lists
  • Open up Data Monitoring
  • Click on the Transportation button


This does the transportation query and builds the transportation list.

Special Transportation for the regular school year and/or ESY.
















This button finds students with transportation set to Y for current data and next years data.

You now have a found set of just transportation records going to a transportation list.

These are students whose IEPs specify special transportation along with all the information your team has entered.

Or if there is left over old data, we may need to clean some things up first before using it.


If you want to add or remove anything from the prebuilt list click the edit list tab.

Once you are viewing in List or Table or Matrix You have the option of selecting a sort order for Special Transportation (Y/N), Aide


Sort the Y/N Special Transportation list.

If you have any N showing, this record has Next Year's data with  transportation set to Y.

At the beginning of the school year these values can be in left over next years data.

Go to Next Years data to see if the record needs to be advanced or the next years data updated or deleted.



Once the records have been cleaned and verified as all the ones we are concerned with, we can proceed to using the list for your local district protocols.

You now have a list of all your students whose IEPs specify special transportation along with all the information your team has entered.

If the “Level” column is blank, this means the IEP team did not determine the student needed transportation for the regular school year.

You have the option at the top right of the list to export or print the list or to run table/matrix or grouped statistics on it (for example to see the number of students by school attending

If you prefer to go straight to a data export rather than starting with building a list, you can do that through the Data Export Feature of SIRAS.

  • Go to Tools and Select Data Export
  • Scroll towards the bottom where you’ll see Export Presets
  • Select the one that says Transportation.


This button finds only students with transportation set to Y for current data, it doesn't look for next years transportation.


If you use the 'Export' button from the student list area, the found set of exported records will remain the current found set.


The Transportation Export Preset and the Export button achieve the same thing, building a transportation data   automatically add all the Transportation fields to the report builder
Give your report a new filename with today's date like MMDDYYY_transportation and description can be used for more detail.

Click the button that says Start Process Generate Export


You’ll see it processing near the top and then when it is ready it will appear in the list below.

Click the download button and you know have an excel spreadsheet you can filter to look at the different fields.

Where is this Information Coming From?

There are two primary areas these lists and reports are pulling from:


  1. The ESY Services / Transportation / Supplementary Supports page of the IEP
  2. The available transportation fields found at Student Info>Special Ed. Profile>Setting and Transportation


Here you can add additional information such as pick up and drop off addresses which feed into your exports/lists even though they do not appear on the IEP itself.

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