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Home > User Manual > IEP Team > Special Ed Profile / Program Dates
Special Ed Profile / Program Dates
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/Student Info/Special Ed. Profile

OR /Student Info/504 Program Dates


This page contains Referral information of the last Initial Evaluation done for the student.

Most of the same information is also contained on the MIS Summary.


For Special Ed only:

Plan Type & Special Ed. Initial Entry Start Date, the historical date when the student was first found eligible for Special Ed.



Past, present and expected next Annual & Evaluation Dates.


If a meeting date is repeatedly changed while a meeting is open,  staff may need to come here to fix the 'Next' Dates accordingly




Setting and Transportation tab (Special Ed. only)

Data monitoring of the Transportation List is helpful.


Program Settings:  Primary Residence; Program Settings; and % of Time in General Ed.   This also contains a calculator to estimate percentage.  


Special Transportation:  If the Special Ed Transportation is 'Yes', it will open the transportation screen.  Bus Service Request forms may also be located here.  Much in the transportation screen gets auto entered from the forms.


Services tab (Special Ed. only)


This section displays Current IEP Services and past services, Classroom Instruction and Accommodations, and Related or Misc. Data


Accommodations and Modifications are entered using the form and auto entered here.  Once they have been entered they are search-able and a list-able option.


The Related Data section is divided into Agency Services; Physical Ed; and Other Provider Services.  All these items are also search-able and a list-able option.



Transition tab (Special Ed. only)


Transition Regulation Questions (Tran Reg Fields)  these eight yes/No fields must addressed prior to the student turning 16 else they will be compliance issues.  These fields are entered by completing the Transition to Adult form.


Work-Based Experience

Classroom-Based Work Exploration


Graduation Plan options:  Diploma, Certificate, or Alternate Pathway


Post Secondary Survey Form Responses

   - The Post secondary Survey form is located in the Tools menu under Document Library

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