SIRAS should work well for provider teams in documenting the process of helping students determined in need, be that IEP, 504 or SST.
Provider teams work with a SEDS coordinator who prepares new and returning records and provides local SIRAS assitance with SIRAS in general.
!! Anyone who edits a record in SIRAS at the same time other staff are working on that record must read our statement on concurrent usage. !!
Data Monitoring
- Upon login, you are at the home page.
- Click on the Student Data Overview tab - See if there are upcoming or overdue students on your caseload.
- Click on the Incoming Messages tab - See if your caseload request has been completed.
Learning SIRAS
Important documents
- Read the monthly SIRAS newsletters on SIRAS home page and bulletin area.
- Read the navigating through SIRAS document to prevent getting logged off or data loss.
- Read thru the Terms of communication document so provider teams can speak the same SIRAS language as their districts SEDS coordinator.
- All staff will benefit reading thru the Tips and reminders on occasion as this area will get updated with relevant items.
- Please feel free to reach out to if you have literally any question about SIRAS. We want to make sure you have the best experience using it.
We try to make SIRAS as self explanatory as possible, but if you get stuck in trying to do something, when you email us with the question, please the include the student ID of the record in question (not the name). This will help us help you better!