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Update for 2024-2025

  • Educational Testing Service (ETS) is encouraging LEAs to phase out the using of bulk online file updates for uploading accommodations into Test Operations Management Systems (TOMS).
    Instead, SIRAS can upload Accommodations directly to TOMS using the API (Application Programming Interface).
  • It may not alleviate the need for bulk updates this year depending upon if your district uses this method or not.
  • After it is first enabled, it is highly suggested to review the data sent to TOMS to confirm data was sent as expected.
  • SIRAS will later this year (24-25) make tools available where Districts can track who has had accommodations posted to TOMS vs who has not and enable a bulk push of accommodations based on that query when available.
  • To enable this feature,  your LEA must input TOMS API credentials into the SIRAS Admin area (located under /Tools menu/SIRAS Admin/TOMS API Credentials tab).
    The TOMS API credentials are shared with the general ed Student Information System. Use the same TOMS API credentials already entered into your SIS that your SIS uses to push 504 accommodations to TOMS.
    If your district needs to apply for new credentials for TOMS, be sure to apply the new ones into both the SIS and SIRAS.
  • Once credentials have been added to SIRAS, users will be prompted within the confirmation of Meeting Finalize to send the accommodations to TOMS for that student. This can be disabled but is the recommended way to upload accommodations whenever they might change.  By sending accommodations per student whenever they change, over time the data in TOMS will be largely synced with SIRAS, thus eliminating the need of last minute bulk updates.
  • To review, compare, and/or update TOMS accommodations outside of the IEP Manager, navigate to /Student Info Menu/Assessment Info/TOMS API tab.
    When your district first starts using the API, please have Site Coordinators manually check individual API data pushes directly in TOMS to ensure what made it to TOMS is what was expected.
  • Batch Upload of TOMS accommodations is still available but we are trying to get away from that paradigm. (padlet link)


Download the HELP Sheet Here:  TOMS_API_for_Siras_Help.pdf



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