Oct 30, 2024
How to find records from your district even if the 'current' is no longer at your district.
When you are on the MIS Summary page, you see the 'archived' records menu.
This method allows you to find these archives from the past.
In the screenshot example below, we will look for archives representing the meetings held in your district during the 2021 - 2022 school year.
If you are looking for one record search for the SSID or student ID in the search bar up top.
When no records are found that is normal as the record isn't in your district.
- Click Modify
- Select Historical/Advanced Query TAB
- Change Historical Query Type from Current record to Archived Records
- Modify the Date Criteria to have a date range to include the report event date of the archive
- Click Search to List
- The list will include dates in the student name links to indicate the date of the archive.