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2024 December
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IMPORTANT Information for all users in SIRAS


  • CAASPP and ELPAC supports for 2024-2025 have been updated by the CDE and are updated in SIRAS. New UDA menu updates have been deployed to SIRAS.
  • Extended School Year (ESY) Eligible vs. ESY Enrolled: ESY prompts have been improved, ESY Eligible determined during the IEP Meeting; and ESY Enrolled determined when the parents have confirmed that their child will be attending ESY.  The ESY Eligible and the ESY Enrolled checkboxes can be found on the MIS Summary Page in the LEA Section; and in the Forms Manager next to the Supplementary Supports, ESY, Transportation form. Additional ESY information such as the site, teacher, and dates can be added by clicking “More” in either of these two areas or can be accessed directly under Student Info>Special Ed Profile>Program. ESY Transportation details can be entered under the Setting and Transportation tab of the Special Ed Profile.  






  • Supplementary Supports: Locate the supplementary supports that you are responsible for by searching for Supplementary Description.  Go to the Search button, add criteria and Search to List. See example. A list of all supplementary services can be printed from Reporting>Student Lists>Predefined Lists and then selecting Service- Supplementary Services from the General Lists section. This list may also be exported to an excel file for easier sorting.
  • Use the Student Data Overview links on your home page to monitor your caseload. Review your students who have overdue or upcoming meetings (annuals due within the next 30 days and triennials due within the next 75 days).
  • Review your open meetings regularly. Finalize IEP meetings as quickly as possible, right after parent consent has been received. Finalized IEPs are sent to CDE as they occur throughout the year. The absence in reporting of a timely IEP meeting appears late. If the Parent Response is ‘Partial Consent’, try to resolve ASAP and change the Parent Response to ‘Accepts the plan’ if possible.  If parents are not being responsive use other communication modalities and log those attempts under Record Contact Attempts in the IEP Manager.
  • Join SELPA Office Hours for Training of Trainers (ToTs)/Advanced Users/District Administrators  and  504/SST Modules.


IMPORTANT Information for SIRAS Data Administrators in SIRAS


  • User accounts for agency staff:  Contact [email protected] for account creation.
  • Please continue to send data to ensure that all data are in CALPADS for Fall 1 reporting.
  • Review CALPADS Fall 1 snapshots.  Compare these reports to those you saved on Census Day.  Make any needed changes to SIRAS records and send/re-send to CALPADS. 
  • Fall 1 LEA Approval is upon us.  Refer to the suggested SELPA due dates document  and collaborate within your LEA to ensure that all data will be in CALPADS prior to LEA approval. Review problem-solving resources on posted on the SIRAS4Admins and SIRAS4CALPADS Padlets. In addition, reference the CDE Fall 1 2024 suggested due dates/checklist.
  • Review your 16.14 CALPADS report prior to LEA approval. Sort the list by plan effective start date and review those on/prior to 10/2/23.  If your LEA has held a meeting since, but it was not agreed to or implemented prior to Census Day, the old plan effective date makes sense.  If you run across a student who is not active in your SIRAS, review the case, as CALPADS had them active as of Census Day.  Contact SIRAS or your SELPA to assist with any questions.



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