Existing/Current Goal Issues
These are issues concerning goals for a Current IEPs that may have been met early or abandoned.
Edit Add To Existing/Current Goal
To add a new goal or to edit an existing/current goal open either an Addendum/Amendment meeting or an Other Review. Doing so will allow the current goals to be edited on either on the Goal form itself or the Goal Developer using the Current Goals tab. In an Addendum or Other review the focus is on the Current Goals. A new goal can be added by clicking Add Goal button at the top of the Annual Goal form in the IEP Manager. You can also add new goals, under Student Info / Goal Developer select the Current Goals tab and use either the GoalWizard or Create Blank Goal button at the bottom of the Goal Developer. When done go to the IEP Manager and open the Annual Goals page and you will see all the existing goals (even the ones that had been met) as well as the new goals you created in the Goal Developer.
Deleting Existing/Current Goals
A goal can be added, a goal existing goal can be modified, but you cannot delete or remove a existing/current goal. The reason is that all the goals, even the ones that have been met early or no longer applicable need to be accounted for at the time of the next Annual Review.
Goals 'Met Early'
First go to the Progress Report which is under the Student Info menu / Data Collection and Progress / Progress Report. For those goals have been met, indicate that they have been 'Met'. Those goals will remain until your next Annual Review, however they have been flagged as 'Met' on the Progress Report. When you have a new Annual Review, you have to be accountable for all goals agreed to even the ones that had been met early, that is why they remain until the next Annual Review. Once flagged as 'Met' early or abandoned, you will no longer need to report on that goal(s).
Goals 'Discontinued/Abandoned'
Goals that have been abandoned indicate 'Not Met' on Progress Report and for the Reason, select 'Discontinued/Abandoned'. When you have a new Annual Review, you have to be accountable for all goals agreed to, even the ones that were met early or discontinued/abandoned which is noted on the last progress report. Once flagged as met early or abandoned, you will no longer need to report on that goal(s).