Feb 03, 2025
IMPORTANT Information for all users in SIRAS
- Upcoming IEP/504 Reviews and Reevaluations: SIRAS reminds users of upcoming and overdue meetings using color coding. Yellow signifies upcoming and red signifies overdue. Compare both last IEP annuals and last IEP evaluations to make sure both stay in compliance. Periodic reviews and reevaluations of 504 Plans usually follow the same IEP timelines, annually for reviews and every three years for reevaluations. Check with your administration for specific 504 timeline expectations.
- Initial Evaluations Held before Census Date (10/2/2024): Please see the link for finalizing initial evaluations with a meeting date is prior to 10/2/24 (the next census date) but a plan effective date which will be after the next census date of 10/2/24: 'How to finalize initial evaluation when meeting is before census date but plan effective is after' Click here for more info
- Use the Student Data Overview links on your home page to monitor your caseload. Review your students who have overdue or upcoming meetings (annuals due within the next 30 days and triennials due within the next 75 days).
- Review your open meetings regularly. Finalize IEP meetings as quickly as possible, right after parent consent has been received. Finalized IEPs are sent to CDE as they occur throughout the year. The absence in reporting of a timely IEP meeting appears late.
- Review eSignature request completion: Check your Incoming Messages on the homepage to see completed signature requests. Go to the meeting in the IEP Manager to verify all needed signatures have been received before finalizing.
- Service logs: Follow your District’s guidance and expectations to document the completion of an IEP service, a supplementary service, an evaluation, or the hours a student worked using the service log.
- Uploaded Documents: When uploading documents to SIRAS, the name of the document you are trying to upload should not contain any special characters in it.
- SIRAS Office Hours with SELPA for Training of Trainers (ToTs)/Advanced Users/District Administrators and 504/SST Modules have been scheduled for the 2024-2025 school year.
IMPORTANT Information for SIRAS Data Administrators in SIRAS
- CALPADS Fall 1 snapshots will soon be available. Review reports from CALPADS, make needed changes to SIRAS records, and send/re-send to CALPADS. Follow the Data Monitoring Procedures posted on the SIRAS4Admins Padlet prior to meeting with SELPA.
- Schedule SELPA and/or SIRAS Fall 1 review meetings now.
- A list of 2024-2025 SELPA Reporting Due Dates is linked here. In addition, reference the CDE Fall 1 2024 due dates/checklist/roadmap.
- Preschool only: Update preschool program settings for Census Day reporting.
- Print Census Day reports on October 2, 2024. Utilize Happy Fox and the SIRAS4CensusDay Padlet as resources for preparing your data and to access the Census Day reports checklist. Be sure to follow the directions for Search and Store as well.
- Get ready for Fall 1 reporting. Utilize the data monitoring checklist and SIRAS4Census day Padlet to prepare.
- Review Accountability Reports in CALPADS on a regular basis. 16.21 generates a to-do list of IEP meetings that need to be completed. After the meetings have been held, finalize, and send them to CALPADS. Review/correct if needed, the meeting delay reasons on 16.21 report for Fall 1 reporting. 16.21 will also help you identify new students who enroll in your LEA and have an active SWDS status in CALPADS.
- The deadline for Fall DRDP data in SIRAS is December 9, 2024. Report students with all Unable to Rate on the DRDP Exception list and access DRDP Help on the SIRAS4Admins Padlet.
- Review the New Referral List for students with Parental consent. See help sheet.
- Degree of Support: For grades TK - 12th, when doing an Initial Eval, Triennial, or Annual Review your team will be prompted to input the Degree of Disability on the MIS page. There are two options ‘Mild/Moderate Support Needs - MMSN’ and ‘Extensive Support Needs - ESN’ Click here for more information about this new field. Please work with your Director to use the tool tip next to the field for guidance on which to choose and determine your LEA’s process for this. We also recommend scheduling time with SELPA to discuss and review the CDE information that has been shared and help answer any questions you and your Director may have.
- The SIRAS Data Network meetings (Office hours with SELPA for SPED Data Specialists) have been scheduled for 2024-2025.
- The schedule of SIRAS Support Webinars/Zoominars is posted on the SIRAS4CALPADS Padlet.