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CALPADS data protocol - SWDS 1
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When we have active status = active in SIRAS, it is assumed the student is eligible, enrolled and participating.

If that is the case then with any SWDS = 1 [Eligible and Participating] in CALPADS there must be the following components in place or errors will appear.
We will assume the SWDS = 1 in CALPADS is correct. If it is not then the SWDS must be corrected in all systems before proceeding in this document.


Assuming SWDS = 1 is valid:

  1. There must be overlapping enrollment. (Lack of enrollment leads to GERR0005, fix is get SENR reported)
  2. Most recent meeting (s) in place (MEET error if missing, fix is put meet record there!)
  3. Most recent plan and service(s) in place (PLAN error if missing, fix is put plan/serv record there!)


SWDS 1 in SIRAS is Active Status = Active

MEET information in SIRAS is in Last Annual (plan review) and Last Evaluation (reevaluation)

PLAN information is the Special Ed. Information on the right hand side of the MIS Summary page

SERV information is the Service data at the bottom of the MIS Summary page











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