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Home > Support Center > FTE Excess Cost in SIRAS
FTE Excess Cost in SIRAS
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CDE Update:

CDE no longer wants district to use FTE estimates run from SEDS systems like SIRAS or SEIS.

The FTE Calculations needed in 2024 need to be pulled from the LEA Approved 2023 Fall 1 16.14 file downloaded from CALPADS.


Information below is for estimates only!!!

IMPORTANT – We need to do two FTE Pivot table analysis.

  1. FTE Total 1 – No type 55 charter schools
  2. FTE Total 2 – Only type 55 charter schools


Then that data file mined with the FTE Calculation.


If you want to see how well your SIRAS data was compared to the final CALPADS numbers, you can use the census day extract file created on 10/2/2024 or 10/4/2023 last year to do reporting estimates.

This is a reminder to make sure the report below is run in SIRAS on 10/2/2024 and saved for local reporting purposes.

Print the file and save it for later a suggestion on the filename might be: F24_FTEresults_yourDistrictname.pdf
Very important that this report be run in SIRAS on or as close to the actual Census day from live current data.
If districts wish to do their own FTE calculations, the studentData file extract also being run on 10/2/2024 can be used for that purpose.

Districts may wish to store both Active status = Active and also Active Status = Pending. When the saved file is opened for reporting later, having the extra records may come in handy.

Infant and preschool will be automatically omitted from the SIRAS report
Report for SELPA will automatically be broken down by Reporting LEA (District Attending)

Infant and preschool will be automatically omitted from the report
Report will automatically be broken down by Reporting LEA (District Attending)

Login to Siras at the SELPA or District level.


Any Districts who sponsor charter schools, if the school is an independently reporting charter school IRC, you will need them to report their data to you, or have your main District SPED clerk login to that school to run the numbers directly.  The button below for non-independent charters will not work for IRCs.
If you are from an independently reporting Charter School, your school is at the LEA level in SIRAS please use the ‘Full time in SpEd. Equivalents (FTE) button to run your report, not charter button.

If logged in at SELPA Level, each active District will have it’s own FTE totals.
If logged in at District or Charter School level, you will have one report for that district or Charter School.
•    Click /Reporting Menu
•    Select /Reporting/Statistical Reports
•    Look for ‘Special Reports’ in middle bottom area
•    Click on Full time in SpEd. Equivalents (FTE) button
•    Run the Charter School report if your district sponsors type 55 Charter schools

Prior to printing:
    Look for ‘No Value’ Under % time in Gen. Ed.
    Those records have blank % in Gen. Ed. Values.
    If the plan type is not 100 or 200 then those records should be made Inactive to drop off the list.
    If they are already on IEP/ISP then that value should have been filled in prior to making the record have active status = Active!


After running the report
•    You can print the results being viewed to PDF
•    You can export the results data being viewed



If your district has any charter schools sponsored:
1.    At the District level a SPED clerk can print out reports for all type 55 Charters.
2.    Click on the FTE for non-independently reporting Charter Schools
3.    Print the file and save it for later a suggestion on the filename might be: F24_FTE_yourDistrictname.pdf, F24_FTE_ChartersForYourDistrictName.pdfRepeat this process of saving the PDF and CSV data download.

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