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District Enrollment Date
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  • SIRAS District Enrollment = The most recent date student was eligible, enrolled and started participating with your district, this academic year.
  • SIRAS District Enrollment = The most recent date student was eligible, enrolled and started participating with your district originally. The date is the same old date as they have been participating ever since then.
  • Both definitions above are correct.
  • When students leave and come back, the date should be updated.
  • When students stop, then start participating again (outside the IEP process), the date should be updated.


  • The District enrollment date is found on the MIS Summary page under LEA Identification at the bottom of the box. See screenshot below.
  • District enrollment date on the MIS Summary page should only have a value on the MIS Summary page when the student is on an active plan.
  • DRDP Relevance. If a student arrives after a DRDP cut off date like 11/1 or 4/1, ensuring to have the district enrollment on the MIS Summary page will allow SIRAS to not include the record on the DRDP Eligible list when they started participating after the cut off date.
  • When we need to change SWDS 2 or 3 to be SWDS 1, then it is important to update district enrollment date on the MIS Summary page. If there is a meeting in progress update MIS summary page before meeting is finalized.  Be sure any inactive date/reason is cleared also before finalizing the meeting.
  • Students who are not participating, we would not want to see a district enrollment date on the MIS Summary page.
  • Enrollment suggestions for SEDS and SIS Coordinators
  • See definition of Plan Effective Date


Scenarios on setting district enrollment date.


Scenario 1:

Student is was participating previous year, returns to participate this year.  The district enrollment date does not need to be updated.

If there is an SIS to SIRAS integration, the SIS may set historical district enrollment date or current or not at all.

In summary, if a student is already eligible and is continuing, the district enrollment date on the MIS Summary can be historical or recent as district prefers.


Scenario 2

If the student will start participating next fall following an end of year initial IEP.

You can put the future anticipated district enrollment date on the MIS Summary page prior to finalizing the initial evaluation as eligible no plan, other reason 12.


Scenario 3

Student arrives or returns to your district on 8/15/2024 and enrolls in public school.
If the student will start participating on 8/15/2024 the plan effective date, then we can set the district enrollment date on the MIS Summary page to be 8/15/2024.


Scenario 4

If the student will start participating next fall following an end of year initial IEP.

You can put the future anticipated district enrollment date on the MIS Summary page prior to finalizing the initial evaluation as eligible no plan, other reason 12.


Scenario 5

Student arrives or returns to your district on 8/15/2024 and enrolls in public school.

Student is currently not eligible or not participating:

  • District enrollment date is left blank until there is a known plan effective date.
  • District enrollment date would be in alignment with the plan effective date if/when student starts participating
  • If there is a meeting in progress to determine eligibility or participation status and the student will participate, set the district enrollment date on the MIS Summary to match the plan effective date and clear out any inactive date/reason (if present) before the meeting is finalized.




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