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Home > User Manual > Reporting Pages > Statistical Reports Help
Statistical Reports Help
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SIRAS has the ability to develop statistical reports.  A report is different than a list, a list is made up of records usually displaying the student’s name and fields; a report displays numbers, i.e. the number of students in each grade. SIRAS allow you to develop reports for current or historical data; display the results in a list or matrix format and even graph the results. The Statistical reports are located under the Reporting menu and is available for all users. The Statistical Reports are divided into two tabs: Predefined Reports and Setup Custom Report.

Found Set Issues

If you want to include your full data set, before selecting a predefined report, click the "Reset Search" to remove any current found set that you may be in.  You should do this every time you click on a predefined search.

If you are interested in doing a reports, say by grade distribution of Hispanics, you would first do a search on Ethnicity (Hispanic). Once you have the found set of Hispanic, then perform the report for grade distribution.  In this example you would not want to click on 'reset search’ as you require a report for grade distributions for Hispanics. Click on the blue question mark button on the search page


Predefined Reports

These are reports that are commonly used by district.  When using the predefined list mind your fond set as described above.


Setup Custom Reports

To develop a more sophisticated report select Setup Custom Reports tab. Again, mind your found set as described above.

Data Set – This is the data set that you want to source from.  The default is your current found set.

Report Layout – This will provide you the option to display the results as a List or Matrix.  Use List when displaying one data element; and use Matrix when displaying two data elements.  The default is List.

Show Label/Codes - You have the option to represent your data using Labels, Abbreviations (use when labels are too long); Codes only (assuming that they have codes); or Codes and Labels (default).

Show Percentages - check 'Show Percentages if you want the results to show the percentage as well as the actual number.  This is 'off’ as default.

Generate Graph - You have the option to represent your results in the form of a Graph as well as list/matrix.  By checking the 'Generate Graph’ checkbox you can choose between a Pie graph; Vertical Bar graph; or a Horizontal Bar graph.  You can also adjust the size of the graph by using the Width and Height sliding bars.

Tip: by doing a right click on the graph and selecting 'Save image as' Provide name and save a JPG type file; save the graph file to your desktop.  From there you can place it onto a Word doc, PowerPoint, etc.


Choose Field - You can manually select up to two field to report on.  The column to the left are all the fields that you can report of; the column to the right are the fields that will be reported on.  You can move the field from the left column to the right column by double clicking on the desires field, or by selecting the field and clicking the 'Add’ button.  You can make the field a primary or secondary by clicking the Up/Down button.

Generate Report - When you have adjusted the preferences, click the "Generate Report" button to generate the statistical report.


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