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- SIRAS Service Logs can now be used for Medical Billing!!
- (Click here) for more information!
Service Log Overview:
The Service Log is a tool for the service provider to log and report services administered to an individual student or group of students. You can log a service, an assessment, or an activity leading to the completion of a goal. Individual progress can be represented in a list and/or a graph. The Service Log in SIRAS is not intended for Medi-Cal billing, rather as documentation that the service has been provided in accordance with the IEP. The Service Log is also a tool for providers to document assessments and other supplemental services.
Service Logs can be accessed in three places. To access a Service Log for a specific student, go to the Student Info menu > Data Collection and Progress > Service Log or click the Service Log link for that student as shown below. To access all of the logs for students on your caseload (or for a found set for an admin user), go to the Reporting menu > Service Log.
- Easy access below the menu bar.
To develop a Service Log, first select a student from the Choose Student menu in the upper left corner under the SIRAS Systems logo. Then, access the Service Log located under the Student Info menu. You can toggle to another students Service Log by clicking on Choose Student.
We will start at the top of the log and explain the purpose of each feature.
Selecting a student : To develop a service log, first select a student from the Choose Student menu in the upper left corner under the Siras Systems logo. Then, access the service log located under the Student Info menu. You can toggle to another students service log by clicking on the Choose Student' link.
Getting Started (selecting a student or group):
Creating an Individual Service Log: To create a new service log by clicking the 'Create Service Log' button This generates a new log for the student. The log is divided into three sections: the Service Log Category and the Service Date(s); the Service, and Duration (Start/End Times). This will be auto entered based on the last log that was entered for the student; it will also auto enter todays date.
Creating a Group Service Log: By clicking on '+ Create New Group' button will open the Choose Student List. There you can check (located far right side) on those students that will be part of the group, then click the 'Add to Service Log Group' button. You can at any time add students using the '+ Add Student' button; name your group a custom name; and then to create a log for the group, click the 'Create Service Logs for Group' button.
When you create a log for a group you will see individual logs for each student in one screen.
To delete a student from a group, just click the 'X' to the right of the name. This will only remove the student from that group, it will not delete any of the logs.
Completing a Service Log:
1. Service Provider: will auto enter the the user name.
2. Provider Role: will auto enter the the user's role.
3. Service Log Category: This will determine how the service will be logged.
- Service Delivered (default) - this will NOT show or require the progress components, just the Notes component which is optional.
- Service Delivered w/out progress rpt. - will show and require progress (accuracy & consistency) for the logging goals
- Distance Learning - will show and require progress (accuracy & consistency) for the log
- Distance Learning w/out progress rpt. - this will NOT show or require the progress components, just the Notes component which is optional.
- all other options - will NOT show or require the progress components, just the Notes component which is optional.
4. Service: Select the Service to log. The popup menu of the services are the consented services based on the last IEP. The service are also shown toward the bottom of the MIS Summary page.
- If 'Specialized Academic Instruction' is selected, you will have the option to combine all the 'Specialized Academic Instruction' options that the student might have in one log instead of logging each SAI separately. Use the calculator to compute the combined SAI minutes scheduled for the month.
5. Service Date(s): You can select a single date or multiple dates. Click on the date number(s) that you want to include in the log in the calendar applet. You can only select today's date and dates in the past.
6. Duration or Specify Time: Either enter the Duration of the service, OR enter the Start and End Time. Once you enter the Start Time the End time will appear. If you enter the time, SIRAS will auto calculate the duration automatically.
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7. Student: The name of the student which the service log is created for.
8. Session Delivery: Indicate if the delivery method was Individual; Group; or Consult. If you are doing a Group log, SIRAS will select 'Group' automatically.
9. Attendance: Indicate Attendance by selecting:
- Attended: Student was present for service
- Make-up: The log is being created as a make-up for a day that the provider was absent.
- Absent: Student did not attend service due to being absent. The duration will NOT be included in the total minutes delivered.
- Unexcused/Refused: If the student was present at school but refused or unwilling to attend the service.
Service Line, Goals and Logging Progress:
When you select which service you will log, it will display the full service lines (duration, frequency, location, etc.) for the users reference and the goals associated with that service.
Under the service lines, the goals associated with the service will appear. The goals will only appear if the goal has been associated with a service. This is done in the Goal Developer in the Text editor for the goal. Select the Area of Need to display the entire goal to be logged. (image below is from Goal Developer - text editor when the service gets associated with the goal. This can only be done at the creation of the goal.)
If on the Service Log Category 'Service Delivered with Progress Report' is selected SIRAS will open the means to log the progress the student made during the service session and the selected goal
Recording Progress During for the Session:
Progress Percent - This is an optional feature. Slide the progress bar to the percentage achieved for that session. This will generate a graph of progress. Progress entered on the last Service Log is auto-entered.
Accuracy - does what? This is a required field. Describe what the student can do, the precision or the students performance for the session.
Consistency- How Long? This is a required field. Describe the period of time or the number of trials in which the accuracy was demonstrated for the session. The Accuracy and Consistency in the students last Service Log entry appear to the right, as a reference for the user.
Progress Comment - This is a required field. Select a comment from the menu or type a general comment about the students performance for the session.
Notes - This is an optional field. Provide details of the students performance or interactions, such as observations during the session. Notes are always optional.
Once you have completed a Service Log, click Validate and Save to confirm that the accuracy, consistency and comments are recorded. If you do not want to save your entries, click Cancel to return to the main Service Log page for that student.
To edit a log, click the View Details / Edit button to the right of the log.
At the bottom you can edit or delete the log as needed.
Show Goals: This will expose a column called 'Goals' which will show the Area of Need.
Generate Progress Report Graph: A graph of the students service data marked form the progress percent slider is generated by clicking on Generate Progress Graph. Data from one Service Log will generate only one dot on the graph. As subsequent services are logged, the data will populate the graph with more data points.
Display Minutes Report: This report gives a monthly summary of the services delivered for an individual student as well as a Overall total for the time period selected. When you click on the Display Minutes Report first set the Start Date and End Date the Minutes Report will cover. Next you may choose to Exclude Services buy selecting a service from the drop down. By default, the Minutes Report will report on each service the student has listed on their IEP. You may chose to Group All Services to have a combined report. Checking the box ESY Service Only will exclude all services except the ESY services. Expected Minutes will show the monthly minutes expected from the IEP (default); Differences will show the difference between the expected minutes minus the minutes delivered; and the Percentages (default) will provide the minutes delivered / minutes expected x 100. The percentage for each month and overall should be as close to 100% as possible. To execute the customization click the 'Refresh' button to the right. To close the report options click the 'Close' button.
Click on the blue question mark button for further details.
School Holidays - Under the Tools menu is the District Calendar that will display the district holidays. The holidays that fall on a school day will be subtracted from the monthly school count on the Service Minutes Report.
Export Minutes Report:
This will take the user to the Data Export page and automatically configure the export page. Click the 'Start Process - Generate Export' button to generate the export. When export is completed, scroll down to the My Fished Exports in order to download the Excel file of the Export Minutes Report.
Export Log Data:
This will take the user to the Data Export page and automatically configure the export page to export individual service logs. Click the 'Start Process - Generate Export' button to generate the export. When export is completed, scroll down to the My Fished Exports in order to download the Excel file of the Export Minutes Report.
Service Log Search:
By default, to avoid and endless list of logs SIRAS will show the logs starting from the last IEP. If order to view all the logs, uncheck the 'Limit to logs that occurred after each student's Last Annual' and then click the 'Search' button.
To expand searches click the 'Additional Criteria +' button. If you want to expand your search beyond the logs from the last IEP, uncheck the 'Limit to logs that occurred after each student's Last Annual. By default, the log will show all the logs from the beginning of the school year which is 7/1/__. By checking the 'Limit to logs that occurred after each student's Last Annual' will default the logs shown from the start of the last IEP.
To execute the search click the 'Search' button.
View More Logs:
To view more than 20 services at a time, select a larger figure from the dropdown located in the lower right corner.