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Home > User Manual > IEP Team > Parent Response - Steps for Disagreements
Parent Response - Steps for Disagreements
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Definitions | Impact Table | Steps for disagreement


Parent does not accept the plan or Stay-Put


These steps would apply to meetings with partial consent, as well as cases where the new goals were not
consented, and previous year’s goals will stay in place and measured on the progress report.


Steps for IEP Disagreements


  1. Update the Scheduling Notes. Make sure the disagreement is documented in the Meeting Summary Notes and/or on the Agreement and Attendance page.


  1. Check Meeting Held and indicate parent “Does not accept the plan or Stay-Put" in the Parent Response drop down menu. 


  1. Finalize the meeting.


  1. Upload the Progress Report to SIRAS that was printed for the meeting and link it to the meeting. This will act as archived documentation from the meeting. 


  1. Progress on the previous year’s goals will need to be measured until new ones are agreed upon.  Continue to note progress on the progress report.  Use the “Comments” section at the bottom of the report.


  1. If/when Parent Response changes to Accepts the Plan, go to the Progress Report and print a copy for the student’s file.  Progress notes written in the “Overall Comments” section will move to the archived progress report.


  1. Go back to the Finalized meeting and change the Parent Response to Accepts the Plan.  Goals will automatically archive and advance when the parent response is changed in SIRAS and the meeting has been Finalized.  The progress report will be cleared out and now reflect the newly agreed upon IEP goals.


  1. Go to the MIS Summary page and change/edit any fields that were impacted when parents signed in agreement.  Remember to review the services in Table B to reflect the services that will now be implemented.
  2. An IEP meeting may occur at the time of consent to review Present Levels, Services, and Goals.  Bring a copy of the most recent Progress Report that was uploaded to the student record.


CALPADS Impact: When a district holds an IEP meeting and there is a disagreement, e.g. Parent Response = ‘Does not Accept the
Plan or Stay‐Put’ the new offer of FAPE will NOT be implemented. As in the MIS Summary page will not get the Plan updates. The IEP or EVAL date will be updated.  The IEP that was agreed upon last is still in
effect. No new Plan effective date will be reported.

If the event type in the IEP manager is an initial, annual or triennial, ensure the MEET record is reported.

Otherwise mark the stay put amendment as DNR once the proper contact attempt procedure has been completed.


Provider Impact: In these instances, the plan update that was not agreed to is captured in the IEP Manager event.

The proposed paperwork is saved when the meeting is finalized as usual but the current plan stays in place.

Goals are not advanced.

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