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Home > User Manual > IEP Team > Parent Response - Definitions
Parent Response - Definitions
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Definitions | Impact Table | Steps for disagreement


Parent Response options


  • Awaiting Consent
  • Accepts the Plan (Signed Consent)
  • Does not Accept the Plan or Stay Put
  • Does not Accept the Plan (Initials Only)
  • Partial Consent
  • Partial Consent (Agree to Goals)
  • Parent Contacted, No Response


All Parent Response options will update the IEP date on the MIS Summary page. Any time before or after a meeting has been finalized, the user can change the Parent Response to Accepts the Plan; then all pending form data will then update the MIS Summary page.


Awaiting Consent (Unable to Finalize)

The IEP meeting has been held, Consent and/or Participation forms have been sent out to parents and awaiting signatures, all pending form data is held in que (Review Pending Changes tab), and student goals are not updated. This meeting will not be finalized until all Links/Requests have been completed and Parent Response is changed to reflect their agreement/disagreement.


Accepts the Plan (Signed Consent) [CALPADS NOTE: Finalize and creates transaction to report SWDS, MEET, PLAN/SERV as appropriate to CALPADS]

Parent agrees to the IEP, all pending form data is updated on the MIS Summary page, and student goals are updated. This meeting can be finalized.


Does not Accept the Plan or Stay Put [CALPADS NOTE: Able to finalize, only MEET and/or SWDS can be reported.]

Parent signs the Consent form that they do not agree to the IEP, or no signature can be obtained, contact attempts must be fully documented. Appropriate SWDS, MEET, PLAN and SERV info are updated on MIS and reportable to CALPADS] This meeting can be finalized. If parents come to an agreement, the user changes the Parent Response to Accepts the Plan, MIS should get updated but SEDS coordinator should verify the MIS page tells the correct story. Parent response can be changed before or after the IEP meeting has been finalized.

When a district holds an IEP meeting and there is a disagreement, e.g. Parent Response = ‘Does NOT Accept the Plan or Stay-Put’, the new offer of FAPE will NOT be implemented. The IEP that was agreed upon last is still in effect.  In these instances, the meeting, the offer of FAPE, and the notes are all archived in SIRAS for documentation purposes (when the meeting is finalized).  The steps detailed below, will ensure that the new IEP dates and offer of FAPE are documented in SIRAS, and keep the last agreed upon services and goals current. These steps would apply to meetings with partial consent, as well as cases where the new goals were not consented, and previous year’s goals will stay in place and measured on the progress report.


Does not Accept the Plan (Initials Only) [CALPADS NOTE: Able to finalize, SWDS and MEET can be reported]

Parent signs the Consent form that they do not agree to the IEP, IEP dates are updated on the MIS Summary page, all other pending form data is held in que (Review Pending Changes tab), and student goals are not updated. This meeting can be finalized. If parents come to an agreement, the user changes the Parent Response to Accepts the Plan. This can be done before or after the IEP meeting has been finalized.



Partial Consent [CALPADS NOTE: Able to finalize, only meeting date is reported]

Parent agrees to part of the IEP, IEP dates are updated on the MIS Summary page, all other pending form data is held in que (Review Pending Changes tab). A Siras Admin User is required to unlock the MIS Summary page and manually update the items that were consented to, student goals are not updated. This meeting can be finalized. If the parent later consents to the entire IEP, the user changes the Parent Response to Accepts the Plan. This can be done before or after the IEP meeting has been finalized.


Partial Consent (Agree to Goals) [CALPADS NOTE: Able to finalize, only meeting date is reported]

Parent agrees to part of the IEP, IEP dates are updated on the MIS Summary page, all other pending form data is held in que (Review Pending Changes tab). A Siras Admin User is required to unlock the MIS Summary page and manually update the items that were consented to, student goals are updated. This meeting can be finalized. If the parent later consents to the entire IEP, the user changes the Parent Response to Accepts the Plan. This can be done before or after the IEP meeting has been finalized.


Parent Contacted, No Response [CALPADS NOTE: Able to finalize, only meeting date is reported]

Parent has been contacted multiple times with no response. Parent has not signed the Consent form that they agree to the IEP, nor did they sign that they disagree. IEP dates are updated on the MIS Summary page, all other pending form data is held in que (Review Pending Changes tab), and student goals are not updated. This meeting can be finalized. If parents come to an agreement, the user changes the Parent Response to Accepts the Plan. This can be done before or after the IEP meeting has been finalized.

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