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2024 March
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IMPORTANT Information for all users in SIRAS


Annual IEP implementation monitoring: This spring, the CDE will be collecting service data for a random sample of students from each LEA for service dates March 1- April 29, 2024.  The service log feature in SIRAS is a great way to document that services have been completed. As a reminder, a provider is able make a log note for multiple dates, both for individual students and group sessions using the service log feature in SIRAS.  In addition, you are able to select the number of minutes served in a single click. Check out the Service log video below for more information.


IEP Manager> Print/Preview/Options:  The Preview/Print feature has been improved. The new feature allows you the flexibility to combine forms that may have not yet been submitted, and/or select the forms you would like to include in the draft documents.  Click on this link for further details on how to use the Print/Preview/Options feature



Custom List and Query sharing: Admin Users have the ability to share custom lists and queries to others within a SELPA, district, or school. A custom list can also be associated with a query. Once a query or list is saved, the option to share to your SELPA, school or district will appear.


Meeting Reports: Meeting Reports have been separated into three tabs.  The list of students on the first tab, then queries and predefined reports.



Use the Student Data Overview links on your home page to monitor Upcoming and Overdue meetings. 


Review your open meetings regularly. Finalize IEP meetings as quickly as possible, right after parent consent has been received. 


Spring ELA, Math, Science and EL testing: The TOMS Export Procedure Help Sheet contains guidance for case managers on data review, for SIRAS administrative staff on the data export for TOMS and for test coordinators on the upload of test supports/accommodations to TOMS.  


All 504/SST Module users are invited to attend Office Hours with SELPA.  Find the schedule with zoom link here.


IMPORTANT Information for SIRAS Data Administrators in SIRAS

Continue practicing ongoing data monitoring procedures. These include addressing Errors/Warnings in SIRAS and in CALPADS/View Submissions, sending data to CALPADS, reviewing Predefined Queries, monitoring meetings for readiness to finalize, reviewing Statistical Reports and the New Referral List. See the SIRAS4Admins Padlet for a complete list of Data Monitoring Procedures.


Review the Accountability Report (16.21) from CALPADS for overdue IEPs. Follow up with IEP teams and in SIRAS to make sure any missing data gets to CALPADS in a timely fashion.


Spring DRDP: All infants and preschoolers who have begun SPED services before April 1 (in any district) will need to have a DRDP. DRDP data must be entered into SIRAS by Friday, May 24th. Locate all DRDP eligible students by going to the Search button/Predefined Queries. Refer to the DRDP Help Sheets on the SIRAS4Admins Padlet


Post-secondary outcome surveys: The 2024 survey form is now posted in SIRAS and ready to send out.   Post-secondary data is due in SIRAS on Friday, June 28th for EOY 4 Reporting. See the Post-Secondary Help Sheets on the SIRAS4Admins Padlet for more information. 

Register now: The Spring EOY meeting for SIRAS and CALPADS data administrators is scheduled for Tuesday, April 30, 8:30-11:30 via Zoom. The flyer is linked here.  Ventura County SELPA will host the CDE Spring CALPADS Roadshow. SIRAS and CALPADS data administrators are invited to attend in person on May 20, 10:00am-1:00pm. The flyer is linked here.


Join SELPA for monthly SIRAS Data Network meetings (Office hours with SELPA for SPED Data Specialists)


The schedule of SIRAS Support Zoominars/Office hours is posted on the SIRAS4CALPADS Padlet



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