Feb 29, 2024
What are pending changes for?
Will cancelling a pending change remove that change from the IEP document?
- When we indicate partial consent in the IEP Manager, Siras has no idea what was consented to.
- So in all cases the IEP team will need to work with the District SPED person to make sure the MIS page is updated according to what was agreed to.
- Accepting a change is a convenience for District SPED staff as it applies whatever that 'agreed to' change of plan was to the MIS summary page so the District SPED person doesn't have to do that data entry manually.
- If the updates on the MIS are applied after the meeting is finalized, the district SPED person needs to fix data twice, once in current data and again in the archive. No new archive is needed on the MIS for this type of update.
- Cancelling a change just means it won't be applied to the MIS because the parents didn't agree to the plan.
- Cancelling a change will not remove the proposed change from the IEP document.