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02- February Tasks
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    • Pick a date and calendar it for the weekly tasks.
    • Pick a date and calendar it for the monthly tasks.
    • Run the SSID Extract and look for newly enrolled SWDS, send PLAN adoption if SWDS = 1
    • Print the lists to check them off as they are completed.
    • Assist IEP team with transition meetings - Next years data setup - Sending and Receiving Procedures
    • Assist IEP team with review and fixing of accommodations - Predefined Assessment Lists
    • TOMS SBAC/ELPAC Exports in online test settings template XLSX
    • If TOMS Batch upload is complete, the TOMS API can be used as needed for individual student accommodations being updated.
    • DRDPs ratings from Fall will be archived by 2/15, if staff want to review them, they need to do so by that date.
    • Leftover DRDPs ratings can be cleared now. Click on the Errors link, Search for all DRDP errors, then use the clear all errors button.
    • Post Secondary Surveys (HS Districts Only)
      • Need to reach out to graduated students from last year by March/April.
      • In February, it's still a good time to review list for missing contacts to investigate.
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