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Selecting Meeting Purpose Issues
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What happens if I select the wrong meeting type?

You can contact the person who arranged the meeting (listed under the Meeting Purpose on the IEP Manager).  That person can "Edit" (change) the meeting type. Once the meeting purpose is changed, the program will keep the forms you have filled out and add any additional IEP forms needed based on the new meeting purpose. 


What is the real difference between the various meeting types?

The most important difference is that an Initial IEP, Annual Review, or Triennial “the Big Three” will affect the meeting dates.  Those three types of meetings always reset your meeting dates.  If the IEP happens to be a review that coincides with the triennial, always select the Triennial/Reevaluation so that both the annual review and triennial review dates will be reset.  The only other meeting type that can reset dates is the ‘Review 30 Day’, conducted after a student from another SELPA has been enrolled in the district in a temporary placement to allow the IEP team to determine the most appropriate placement for the student.  Unless you select "Adopt out of SELPA IEP," this meeting type will function just like an Annual Review with all the same required pages.  If you elect to adopt the IEP from another SELPA you have access only to the SIS or Demographic form (1st page of IEP), Meeting Notes, and the Agreement and Attendance (signature) page.  The annual review due date from the other SELPA will be the due date for the next Annual Review.  All the other meeting types do not reset dates.  If you are making only minor changes to the IEP you may choose to use the Addendum/Amendment meeting type according to district policy.  The "Other Review” is just that.  It is a meeting held to discuss Additional Assessments, parent concerns, behavior, results of a limited assessment, etc.   These meetings are more than just an addendum but are not a full annual or triennial, so the team can use whatever forms they need to make changes to the current IEP.

Do I need to do another meeting to change the student's placement after a Manifestation Determination Review since Change of Placement is not indicated as a secondary purpose for this meeting?

A Manifestation Determination Review may result in a change of placement on the IEP.  It is not necessary to do a second meeting to change the student's placement since one of the steps in the manifestation process is to determine if a change of placement is needed.  Two statements on the form are directly related to a possible change in placement: "The student will return to his/her current program, unless a change is agreed to by the IEP team."  and “Student placed in Interim Alternative Educational Setting."  A change of placement is a possible outcome of any Manifestation Determination Review, so it is not necessary to indicate Change of Placement as a secondary purpose.

I am trying to do an Initial Evaluation, but SIRAS will not allow me to create the meeting?  It says that the student is already in Special Education.

When doing a fist Initial Evaluation on a new student you are only to enter the demographic information, not the referral nor the special education data.  Doing so is predetermination and will cause SIRAS to mistakenly believe that the student is already in Special Education.

If this happens you will need to contact SIRAS Systems Support so that he special education data can be reset.

What do we do if a parent cancels a meeting?

There also has been some confusion as to the difference between cancelling a meeting and rescheduling a meeting. In SIRAS the term "Cancelling" means clicking the   the meeting and delete all the forms.   If a parent reschedule a meeting for a particular date, that is not the same as cancelling the meeting in SIRAS.  In this case all that is needed is a change of the meeting date. 

How do I do an exit IEP for a graduating senior?

You don't.  Seniors exit automatically upon graduation, they do not need an IEP to do so.  What you do need to do is have an ‘Exit Summary’ meeting for each senior.  The Exit Summary is listed as a meeting type to provide access to the Summary of Performance pages. On this form enter the graduation date (which will be the exit date) and the exit reason which will be graduated with diploma, graduated with certificate or aged out.  It is permissible to put a future date for the ‘exit date’.  After Finalizing the Exit Summary meeting the ‘exit date’ will be placed on the MIS Summary page and the student record Status will remain Active until the ‘exit date’ occurs.  On that date the student record Status will automatically turn ‘Inactive’.  This will all happen automatically.

When do you have Transition to Kindergarten as a secondary purpose on an IEP?

Transition to Kindergarten is a secondary purpose for the Triennial that must be done when a student is enrolled in preschool and is moving up to Kindergarten. Transfer to Kindergarten may be used as a secondary purpose for an ‘Other Review’ for a student who has been assessed and entered preschool within the past 90 days, and the team does not feel another assessment is required but wants to add something to the IEP. 

Why isn't Transition to Kindergarten as a secondary purpose on an Initial IEP?

It can't be a secondary purpose for an Initial because the initial assessment would be done to enter the student into either preschool or Kindergarten depending on when the assessment is done. It would not be a Transition to Kindergarten meeting.  (See information above)


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