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Home > Support Center > Initial Evaluation Reporting
Initial Evaluation Reporting
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Initial Evaluations will minimally report a SWDS record and MEET record if the student doesn't start participating.

If the student will start participating, then the PLAN and SERV records representing the plan the student is participating on also need to be sent.

All PLAN and SERV records must have a plan effective date that overlaps with SENR enrollment.

IF SWDS = 1 (Eligible and Participating) the SWDS effective as of date must also be a date that overlaps with SENR enrollment.

GERR0005 errors result in lack of overlapping enrollment. Solution depends on fixing what date isn't correct.  The day they started participating or the date they enrolled as they can't be 'participating' on a date they aren't enrolled on.


Three initial evaluation before census day scenarios.

  1. All done before census date.
  2. Meeting before census date, Plan starts after.
  3. Parents give consent before census date, meeting happens after


In all three cases something is required to be reported to CALPADS.











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