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Home > User Manual > IEP Team > Review (30 day) Interim Meeting Process
Review (30 day) Interim Meeting Process
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(Only used when student is being transferred to a district outside of the SELPA. Transfers from out of state require a Triennial/Reevaluation meeting. Transfers from a district within the SELPA do require only an Addendum/Amendment updating the IEP: 1 Demographic form.)

Whenever a student with an active IEP transfer into a school district from a school district outside of the SELPA, the administrator of the receiving district or county office of education shall ensure that the student is immediately provided an interim placement for a period not to exceed 30 days.  A meeting is not required upon enrollment, but the LEA should immediately create a new student in SIRAS and enter all CALPADS information from the student's current IEP into the new MIS Summary page. Then per CALPADS Flash 166, your District SPED admin needs to archive a baseline ‘copy’ of the MIS Summary page to report the ’inherited’ IEP to CALPADS. We suggest dating the archive the same date as the students district enrollment date. Before the expiration of the 30-day period, an IEP team must be convened to review the interim placement and make final recommendations regarding the ongoing appropriateness of the IEP or to create a new IEP. After completing the Interim Placement form in the Pre-Meeting tab (Ventura SELPA calls this Administrative Placement which is uploaded to the added forms section.), complete the New Plan (Annual Review) or 'Adopt Existing SELPA IEP' (Addendum to current IEP) in the Basic Form tab within the same meeting.  Do NOT create a new meeting for the Annual Review. The IEP team must develop an IEP on SELPA forms by complete all required and optional forms as appropriate to the student’s identified needs.


Whenever a student with an Active IEP transfers into a school district from an educational agency located outside of California, the new LEA shall provide the student with a FAPE, including services comparable to those described in the previously approved IEP, until the LEA conducts an assessment, if determined necessary by the LEA, and develops a new IEP, if appropriate.  The interim placement, in this case, may exceed 30 days.


It is not necessary to make an interim placement when a student moves from one LEA to another within the same SELPA.  In such a case, the new LEA shall continue, without delay, to provide services comparable to those described in the existing approved IEP, unless the parent and new LEA agree to develop and implement a new IEP.



NOTE: If your SELPA has a preference of 30 day reviews only being Plan Reviews, then you will not get the choice as described below. The 30 day will default to your SELPA  preference of always being plan review and that should be seen in the secondary purpose.  If you don't see the secondary purpose, contact [email protected].



1a.    TRANSFER SIRAS RECORD: If the student is in a SELPA that uses SIRAS, request that the record be transferred to your district. This is available for SIRAS Admin Users by going to Tools / Request Transfer.  Go to Step 2.

1b.    NEW SIRAS RECORD: If the student is not in a SELPA who uses SIRAS create a new record.  Only SIRAS admin users can create a new record.  This is done under the Student Info menu / New Student. When creating the new record be sure to designate the student’s Status as ‘Active’.

Once the record has been completed, go to the MIS Summary page and complete the MIS Summary page with the student’s current IEP from the other SELPA/District IEP they had provided.  Be sure to include the services that the student had before and update the parents new contact info (Student Info / Student Profile / Contact).

2.     When complete, click the 'Validate' then the 'Archive for Reporting' button located at the top left corner of the MIS Summary page.

3.     Select the Meeting Type “Review (30 day)” in the IEP Manage and the select type of Review (30 day) Meeting:


Plan Review (Annual Review) (best practice):
The default assumes that the team will be doing a plan review, the secondary purpose of the meeting will be annual review. All pages needed for an Annual Review will be required, and a new annual plan review date will be established. 


Adopt out of SELPA IEP (Addendum to plan, will not update plan review date.)
If the team will not be developing a new Annual IEP and intend to implement the existing IEP from the previous district, check the checkbox on the IEP Manager 'Adopt existing out-of-SELPA IEP'. The program will indicate Adopt out of SELPA IEP as the Secondary Purpose of the Review (30 day) meeting.  The next IEP date and the Next Triennial date will remain the same as indicated on the original IEP from the previous district. Effectively the meeting turns into an addendum to the current IEP and is reported to CALPADS that way.

When adopting an IEP from the previous district, all pages of the IEP will be available, and information in the previous IEP needs to be transcribed into the SELPA forms.  Any other information required to make the IEP legally compliant would need to be added. Minor changes to the student’s services (percent of day and minutes), accommodations, CAASPP participation, etc. can be made just as it would on an Addendum/Amendment.  Use the Notes & Additional Information form as needed to capture information from the former district’s IEP that does not fit into the SELPA forms.

Goals will need to be transcribed from the old IEP into the Goal Developer 'Current Goal' tab.  The Goal Developer is located under the Student Info menu.  Select the ‘Create Blank Goal’ button toward the bottom of the Goal developer and transcribe or copy paste the goals from the existing IEP PDF from the previous district (if possible).  These goals need to be added so that the case manager can generate the student's progress reports.


4.     Click Create Meeting


5.    Upload the current IEP from the previous district using the ‘Upload Document’ tab un the IEP Manager.

6.        Once created in the IEP Manager under the field ‘SELPA Enrollment Date’, this is the date that the student first attended school.  This date does not change if the student is transferred to another district within the SELPA.  Enter 'SELPA From (Transfer)' and if out of State, select that as the SELPA From.    



7.        With the exception of the Ventura SELPA, click the Interim Placement form located in the Pre Meeting Forms tab. This will be a 30 day placement agreement of what services the district will provide until the new Annual Review has been developed.  The 30 day countdown begins based on the SELPA Enrollment Date.


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