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Home > SIS Integration > SIRAS to SIS File Based Data Transfer Files
SIRAS to SIS File Based Data Transfer Files
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SIRAS generates data files containing student & service data to the SFTP nightly.


File Specification:

File format:  comma separated (CSV)

File Names: "studentData.csv", "serviceData.csv", "504StudentData.csv"

File transfer method:  SFTP ( port 7472)


Legacy data transfer files:

  • Prior to 2019 SIRAS used the CASEMIS table A/B formats for providing data to Student Information Systems.
  • In 2019 we revised the "tableA.csv" for Student data and "tableB.csv" for Service data adhering closely to CALPADS SPED and SSRV file specifications. File headers were updated to match CALPADS full-length descriptive headers.
  • In 2023, CALPADS SPED and SSRV file formats were replaced by a 3 part SWDS/PLAN/MEET files, which doesn't work well for the purpose of transferring current data to the SIS.
  • The new files have been created with the intent to establish a useful and unchanging specification to be used for data transfer.
  • All integrations still using tableA.csv and tableB.csv should switch to pulling data from studentData.csv and serviceData.csv as soon as feasible.
  • For the Academic Year beginning July 2025 we will no longer be generating the legacy tableA/tableB files.


File Content and Data Specification:

studentData.csv: All records actively participating in Special Ed.  Also, Inactive records with Inactive Date within previous 6 months.  Note: Inactive Reasons that are not reportable to CALPADS (reasons such as Moved and Continuing), have the Inactive Date and Reason omitted from this export, in order to prevent SIS integrations from interpreting this data as an Exit from Special Ed.

serviceData.csv: All service data including Supplemental and ESY services for the above Special Ed. students.

504StudentData.csv:  All Active status 504 Plan records.

Formatting:  The Names/Labels and Codes for some of the coded values are split into 2 columns.  Specific identifying headers are be used for each data point.

Recommended processing method:  Match records in the SIS using SSID.  As this information is generally for reference only, Header/Data Value pairs can be simply displayed as is, as raw data, or with some translation of the headers as desired.

For full documentation of coded values and field definitions, please reference CALPADS File Specification and Code Set documentation:



Header Legacy tableA File Header Description        
Active Status   "Active" or "Inactive".  Indicates record status in Siras    
FIRST_NAME Student Legal First Name For record identifying purposes      
LAST_NAME Student Legal Last Name            
BIRTHDATE Student Birth Date            
SSID   10 digit CALPADS ID, required and recommended for primary record matching
STUDENT_ID Local Special Education Student ID This ID is only enforced to be unique at the SELPA level, may or may not match the ID from the SIS depending on district preferences.
LOCAL_ID Local Student ID This should match the ID from the SIS, but will usually only be populated if Siras is receiving a data file from the SIS.
SELPA_CODE   4 digit CDE SELPA code      
DIST_CODE   District Attending or Reporting LEA, 7 digit CDE code    
District Name              
SCH_CODE School of Attendance / School of Attendance NPS School Attending, 7 digit CDE code.  Includes Non-public and private school codes (may be unofficial)
School Name              
SITE_CODE   optional school site identifier, should match SIS School Code in most cases
DSEA District of Special Education Accountability District of Special Education Accountability.  Authoritative  
DSEA Name              
DOGR   District of Geographic Residence.  Non-Authoritative    
DOGR Name              
SCH_RESI   School of Residence.  Non-Authoritative      
School of Residence Name            
ESY   Enrolled in ESY in Siras.  Boolean      
GRADE   Non-Authoritative        
GENDER Student Gender Code Non-Authoritative        
RACE1   Note: CALPADS Code Values.  Siras is not the authority for demographics data, inclusion in this file is for reference only.
EL_TYPE   English Learner Type.  EO / EL / IFEP / RFEP    
NATIV_LANG   CALPADS codeset, pending revision to 3 digit codes    
ETHNICITY Student Hispanic Ethnicity Indicator            
REFR_DATE Special Education Referral Date            
REFR_BY Referring Party Code            
PRNT_CSNT Initial Evaluation Parental Consent Date            
PLAN_TYPE Education Plan Type Code Note: Plan Type 900/800/700/300 for Not Eligible, Eligible but no IEP, or Pending Evaluation no longer exist.
IEPDELAY Meeting Delay Code Note: CALPADS Code Values      
ENTRY_DATE Special Education Initial Entry Start Date             
INIT_EVAL The Special Ed. Initial Evaluation Date          
LAST_IEP Most recent Plan Review Date          
LAST_EVAL Most recent Evaluation or Re-evaluation          
RESID_STAT Primary Residence Code Note: CALPADS Code Values      
RESID_STAT.label   Text label corresponding to coded value: will sometimes include additional distinct label values which share the same CALPADS-reported code value
DISABILIT1 Disability 1 Code Note: CALPADS Code Values      
DISABILIT2   Note: CALPADS Code Values      
DISDEGREE1 Degree of Support for Primary Disability            
FEDSET_SCH Special Education Program Setting Code Note: CALPADS Code Values      
PRSLOCATION Preschool Program Setting Service Location Code            
PRSSETTING Ten or More Weekly Hours in Setting Indicator            
IN_REGCLS General Education Participation Percentage Range Code          
INFANT_SET Infant Regional Center Services Eligibility Indicator          
TRAN_REG1 IEP Includes Postsecondary Goals Indicator            
TRAN_REG2 Postsecondary Goals Updated Annually Indicator            
TRAN_REG3 Postsecondary Goals Age Appropriate Transition Assessment Indicator          
TRAN_REG4 Transition Services in IEP Indicator            
TRAN_REG5 Supportive Services Indicator            
TRAN_REG6 Transition Services Goals in IEP Indicator            
TRAN_REG7 Student IEP Participation Indicator            
TRAN_REG8 Agency Representative IEP Participation Code            
SPEC_TRANS Special Transportation Indicator            
PARINPUT Parental Involvement Facilitation Code            
Special Education Status Code Note: CALPADS Code Values      
Inactive Reason Non-Participation Reason Code Note: New to CALPADS Redesign, this field combines former Plan Type 900/800/700 with former Exit Reasons.  Coded value only in this column.
Inactive Reason.label   Text label for reason the student is Inactive.  For purposes of integration with the SIS, only reasons that are reported to CALPADS are included.
Inactive Date Special Education Program Exit Date Includes date of inactivity in Siras for all reasons    
PARTI_ELA.label   Test participation        
Placement   optional field with SELPA-specific usage      
Placement Changed              
Program   optional field with SELPA-specific usage      
Case Manager   First / Last name of user assigned      
Case Manager Email              
Plan Effective Date   CALPADS field, date from PLAN file      



Header     Description      
SSID     Student identifying information  
DIST_CODE   7 digit CDE District Attending    
DSEA     District of Special Education Accountability
DOGR     District of Geographic Residence  
SERVICE     CALPADS Coded values.  Labels not currently provided in this file.
Service Additional Info 1 Custom additional data field, purpose varies by SELPA
Service Additional Info 2          
Service Start Date   As indicated on the IEP    
Service End Date   As indicated on the IEP    
Service ESY   Boolean indicating if the service is for Extended School Year
The following additional data/headers are only optionally applicable for special historical service export files:
Service Meeting Date The date of the IEP or amendment where the service was defined or updated
Service Report Start Date For calculation of minutes, the beginning of the applicable period
Service Report End Date The end of the applicable period  
Monthly Minutes   An estimated value of Minutes per Month derived from FREQUENCY and DURATION on the IEP
Service Report Months A decimal number of months for the applicable period
Service Report Minutes The Monthly Minutes multiplied by the Service Report Minutes
Inactive Date   The Student's Inactive Date in Siras  
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