PPT overview of navigating DSEA extract to finding that data in SIRAS (Padlet Link)
The DSEA as listed in CALPADS is based on the most recent PLAN file in CALPADS.
If your district is contacted to change the DSEA of a student enrolled at your district, changing the DSEA listed in CALPADS is as easy as sending a new PLAN record, or better yet, opening up previous archives from your district that sent the wrong DSEA in PLANS from your district, fixing the DSEA in the archive and then updating the report status to 'pending' to resend the PLAN with the updated DSEA information.
What to do when your district is listed as DSEA for a student outside of your SELPA and your district should not be listed as the DSEA.
Look at the most recent plan in CALPADS.
Is the plan from your district?
Did the student enroll elsewhere but they have not sent their plan adoption yet?
If so, once the other district sends the plan adoption, that SSID of the student that left should drop off your SSID extract.
The plan is from another district but your district is listed as DSEA.
Is this student on an MOU or Inter-SELPA agreement?
If so this might be ok, please verify this with your director or SELPA.
If there is no reason for your district to be listed as DSEA, other than your district may be the DOGR but they are not enrolled at your district, then we will need to contact the other LEA to have them update their PLAN and SERV records in CALPADS to not have your district listed as the DSEA.
Here is a link to find the CALPADS contact at the other district.
Keep in mind this person is their SIS coordinator, so ask them for the contact data of the SEDS coordinator as they will have more direct information about how the PLAN was populated.