Following the suggestions below may resolve the issue:
Does the filename have any of the following characters in it?
- Quote/apostrophe: ' or "
- Comma or extra periods: this.that.pdf or this,that.pdf
- File characters like: / | \
- Special characters like: < > & % $ # @ !
- Spaces?
If so removing those and renaming the file with a simple filename as described below should fix the error.
Is the size of the file over 10MB? Then you will need to reduce the size of the document to upload it.
This page from Adobe on compressing PDF files may help.
How to name files for uploading into SIRAS:
There is a form that was printed out, signed, scanned to a file.
When the physical paper with the signature is scanned to a document name in a copier or scanner they may typically be very generic and have a potentially problematic name or default storage location.
scannedUpload 01.pdf
Do you see the ' ' space between the 'd' and '01' part of the filename?
We would need to get rid of that space.
Is that file stored on a shared drive?
If you are having difficulty, your browser application (chrome) may not have permission to grab that file, we suggest saving the file locally in your documents area before
What is best practice for a filename?
Is what we suggest, FL are initials and 00000 could be the student ID.
Also, this is important:
Full first name, last name or date of birth should not be used in the filenames of your files.
Please leave those out of the filename. Initials or IDs instead
We also suggest not using the following types of characters: . (dot), (comma) or spaces or /(forward or backward slash)
8/14/24 annual Signature.pdf
is a filename that will probably crash SIRAS upload
instead we could use the camelCase version
There is a meeting event created in SIRAS for student Firstname Lastname on 8/15/2024
Keep the filename simple. Use camel case or alternatingCapitalsToEmphasizeReadability.pdf
_ underscore characters work well too
Ancient SIRAS theorists suggest naming the file in a way like this: 08152024FL_AnnualSignature.pdf