Feb 03, 2025
IMPORTANT Information for all users in SIRAS
- Service logs: Document the completion of an IEP service, a supplementary service, an evaluation, or the hours a student worked using the service log. Follow your District’s policies regarding service logs.
Service log review: If you are responsible for reviewing another provider’s service log, you can now flag it as reviewed, which will be stamped with your name and the date upon your review. When looking at logs, find the pop- out symbol in the column called Reviewed/Detail/Edit to open the log and review.
- Review your current student list in SIRAS. Use the ‘Manage Caseload’ button under the Student Info menu to request students to be added or removed from your caseload.
- Use the Student Data Overview links on your home page to monitor your caseload. Review your students who have Overdue or Upcoming meetings (annuals due within the next 30 days and triennials due within the next 75 days).
- Enter most recent scores on the SBAC, CAA and ELPAC into SIRAS. Go to the Student Info menu/Assessment Info to enter scores and levels.
- Review your open meetings regularly. Finalize IEP meetings as quickly as possible, right after parent consent has been received. Finalized IEPs are sent to the CDE as they occur throughout the year. The absence in reporting of a timely IEP meeting appears late.
- Print your Finalized meeting using the print icon in the top right corner in one PDF, including the contact logs, continuations, and scheduling notes.
- Review meetings finalized last year without parent consent. Go to Reporting > Meeting Reports > Predefined Reports tab > click Parent Contacted, No Response. Click on Search Query Criteria and adjust the meeting dates on the query to (7/1/2023-6/30/2024). Students whose last meeting was finalized without consent; we will still be working on the previous year’s goals.
Search for possible data discrepancies
- HS only: Students with missing transition services. Go to Compliance concerns/Missing transition services
- Preschool only: Update preschool program settings in September.
- Share IEPs/Info for Gen Ed forms easily from SIRAS. Some commonly used forms are Savable and Printable in Batch. In the Tools menu/Document Library, click the ‘Fill in for student’ checkbox to enable the ability to save non-IEP forms. Print available forms in batch (such as accommodations or behavior plans) by going to the Tools menu/Labels and Batch Forms/Batch Forms for your entire found set (your caseload or school)
IMPORTANT Information for SIRAS Data Administrators in SIRAS
- Get ready for Fall 1 reporting. Utilize the data monitoring checklist and SIRAS4Census day Padlet to prepare.
- Develop lists and reports for your director. Find Overdue meetings and/or Meetings without written consent using this help sheet.
- Review the 16.21 Report from CALPADS regularly to students new to your LEA who may need a plan adoption.
- Search for students without a Case Manager and assign one.
- Inactive status has been broken into elements of eligibility vs participation. We can now track and report when students in your district who are eligible, but not participating. Attend SIRAS Zoominars for more details.
- Degree of Support: For grades TK - 12th, when doing an Initial Eval, Triennial, or Annual Review your team will be prompted to input the Degree of Disability on the MIS page. There are two options ‘Mild/Moderate Support Needs - MMSN’ and ‘Extensive Support Needs - ESN’ Click here for more information about this new field. Please work with your Director to use the tool tip next to the field for guidance on which to choose and determine your LEA’s process for this. We also recommend scheduling time with SELPA to discuss and review the CDE information that has been shared and help answer any questions you and your Director may have.