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This version of IVR0612 is one district posts a plan with an effective date that later is no longer accurate.

District that posted plan blocking another districts plan on same date needs to remove the plan and serv record and DNR the record in SIRAS.


--- see screenshots below ---


It appears another district (District A) has sent a plan effective date from their district with the same date as your (District B) plan effective date.

Is it clear which district had the student enrolled as of the district enrollment date?

Then that district should be able to post a plan effective as of that date and the other district needs to remove the plan and serv they sent that was in error.   


The district that removes the plan/serv records from CALPADS needs to search for that SSID under historical query.

Find that archive in SIRAS that sent the plan with an effective date as of a date not enrolled by them.

That district then should open the archive and change the plan effective date to the date the student exited their district, then make that archive DNR in SIRAS.


District A needs to remove their PLAN/SERV records dated 8/14/2024 since the student was not enrolled on that date.


















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