Aug 31, 2024
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How to create a group
- Go to the Service Logs Area
- Click on the Choose Student link in the upper left corner
- Select the students you want in the group, close the window
- Click Create New Group
- Get the found set you want in the group going
- Click Add found set
- You name the group after you create it too.
- Just change the 'Group Description'
Little grey X's will remove students from group.
Use + Add student(s) button to add students to the group
When creating a service log entry for the group
- Confirm provider role
- Confirm service log category
- Confirm service
- Select the date(s)
- Select the Duration
You will fill out the date(s) and duration of the log for all students.
Then for each student fill out the details.
You must go to the bottom of the page to either Validate and Save the log, or Cancel it
How to rename a group
At this point the group has been created.
Next you can name the group by updating the Group Desicription