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High School Students - Data Monitoring Lists
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SIRAS Navigation: 

Reporting > Student Lists > Predefined Lists > Data Monitoring

Click [Special Ed. Program Data] or [School and District Data]


Use this query to find students who will be 16 by Census Date 10/2/2024




Sort by District Enrollment

Verify the records with no district enrollment are enrolled and add the latest district enrollment date to the MIS. No need to archive.

If they are not enrolled they need to be made Pending or Inactive.

Remember district enrollment date is the earliest date all three things were in place.  Eligible, enrolled and participating.

Old dates are ok if they have been participating since then.




SIRAS Navigation: 

Reporting > Student Lists > Predefined Lists > Data Compliance and Overdues

Click [DINC 4: Transition Reg. Indicators]



List will be sorted by birthdate with the youngest on top


Do they all have TRAN_REG in place?



The predefined Compliance Concerns query is looking for student who are greater than 14, so staff can get those logged in their upcoming IEPs.

What we are doing now are finding ones that will most likely be an error if we don't the data filled in and an amendment archive with the Y or N values filled in.

CALPADS gives errors on blank or missing TRAN_REG.

If your district adopted the plan of a student who is now 16, but the last plan in CALPADS was before the TRAN REG was required, it is very likely that your district will get the CALPADS Errors.

It is perfectly ok to fill in all TRAN_REG = N if they have not been done yet when they arrived at your district and include those as part of the plan adoption

Sort by TRAN_REG1

find the records missing TRAN_REG

If we have the answers from the IEP team to fill out great.

If the student just won't have them done before Census Date, and they are required, then we must fill them all out as N on the MIS Summary page and archive and amendment dated before 10/2/2024 or after the child turned 16.












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