Siras Systems' Translation Services is a dedicated division of Siras Systems committed to providing language translation solutions for educational needs. From translating IEPs, assessment report and other documents, we've got you covered. Backed by our team of experienced and professional translators, we pride ourselves on delivering exceptional quality IEP translations using the dialect that is understandable to the parent; with swift turnaround times (within 5 working days, usually 3) at highly competitive rates (just .18/word for IEP Spanish translations). Assessment Reports may vary between $.18 - $.22 depending on the complexity. Because Siras Systems is performing the translations, that means that the translation is done within the SIRAS using our integrated Spanish forms reducing what needs to be translated and the cost/completion time. When a parent requests that an IEP be translated, the district has an obligation to have the document(s) translated (SEA Cal. 2010). While currently specializing in English to Spanish translations, we're expanding our language options. If your school district requires expert translation services or interpreter assistance please consider your long partner in IEPs, Siras Systems Translation Solutions.
Translation Request Process:
1. Provide the SSID of the student(s)
2. Identify the IEP (provide Meeting Purpose & Date) or assessment reports that need translating and language to be translated
3. Send this information to [email protected]
4. Within 24 hours (working days) SIRAS will provide you a cost and completion date estimate
5. Reply by either approving or nor approving the estimate
6. If approved, within 5 working days the IEP and/or documents will be completed in SIRAS and you will be notified of its completion.