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Home > Support Center > Support Center - Administrators > 2024 End of Year Letter from CDE
2024 End of Year Letter from CDE
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(SIRAS Note: suggest getting on CALPADS Listserv to already get these emails.)


2024 End of Year Certification Deadline Letter from CDE


Dear LEA Representative:

As a reminder, the CALPADS initial certification deadline is today, Friday, July 26, 2024, 11:59 p.m. All local educational agencies (LEAs) must have at a minimum, LEA-level approval for End-of-Year (EOY) 3 and 4 submissions by that date. It is strongly recommended (but NOT REQUIRED) that LEAs also have SELPA-level approval for EOY 3 and 4 by that date. All LEAs MUST have SELPA-level approval for EOY 3 and 4 by the end of the amendment window, August 16, 2024.

The data being certified in the EOY 3 and 4 submissions for the 2023-24 academic year will be used not only for federal reporting for IDEA, but also to calculate the following federal indicators for the 2023-24 local State Performance Plan/Annual Performance Reports which will be released in Spring 2025:

Indicator 1:  Graduates - percentage of students with disabilities that graduated with a standard high school diploma

Indicator 2:  Dropouts - percentage of student with disabilities that dropped out of secondary education

Indicators 4a and 4b:  4a - Discipline Rate Overall - percentage of students with disabilities suspended (in- or out-of-school) or expelled greater than 10 days cumulative. 4b - Discipline Rate by Race/Ethnicity - percentage of students with disabilities by race/ethnicity suspended (in- or out-of-school) or expelled greater than 10 days cumulative.

Indicator 8:  Parental Involvement - percentage of students with disabilities having annual plan reviews and initial evaluations whose parents indicated that they were involved in the IEP process.

Indicator 11:  Timely Initial Evaluations - percentage of students with disabilities whose Part B initial evaluations were held within 60 days of receipt of parental consent for evaluation.

Indicator 12:  Timely Early Childhood Transitions (C to B) - percentage of students with disabilities being served in the Part C Infant Program whose Part B initial evaluations were held by the child's third birthday.

Indicator 13:  Secondary Transition - percentage of students with disabilities whose IEPs included transition goals by their 16th birthdays

Indicators 14a, 14b, 14c:  Postsecondary Outcomes - percentage of students with disabilities who exited secondary education and within 12 months of exiting were:

  • 14a - Enrolled in higher education
  • 14b - Enrolled in higher education or were competitively employed
  • 14c - Enrolled in any postsecondary education or were employed

LEAs are also reminded that the Special Education Division will also re-pull timeline compliance data on Tuesday, August 20, 2024 to verify that LEAs have met their obligations to hold timely meetings.  The data pulled will be:

Students who were enrolled on Census Day (10/04/2023), who were still enrolled in the LEA on 02/13/2024 whose meetings were overdue as of 2/13/2024, and are STILL overdue based on the most recent meeting records in CALPADS. For assistance in determining which students these are, please reference the following video on the CSIS YouTube Channel:

Please ensure that all meeting information for these students is updated and accurate to avoid any findings of non-compliance.

The Sped Data Support team will additionally be performing data quality analysis over the next week to identify any glaring anomalies within the LEA-level data and will notify SELPA of any anomalies found. In the meantime, if you are experiencing any issues, please first visit the CALPADS Known Issues page. If that does not resolve the issue, please submit a CALPADS service desk ticket.

Thank you for all you do for California's students with disabilities!


The Sped Data Support Team

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